
Okay, my ex and I broke up about 4 months ago, she is with some new boyfriend. 3 months ago, we had a great friendship, we still hung out, we partyed together, did friend stuff ya know? Okay lately we have almost completely stopped seeing eachother and hanging out, and also hardly ever talk on the phone.

We are both going back to college in 2 days, and we had made plans to hang out yesterday so we could see eachother before we go back, but she accidentally promised her other friend that she would do something with her. I said okay I understand we can hang out tomorrow then. She said "Okay that sounds great, I just have to do a little packing tomorrow and then we can hang out at like 6 PM and get dinner and hang out"

Okay 6:30 PM roles around and I call her, cause she was supposed to call me at 5:45ish. HER FUCKING BOYFRIEND ANSWERS THE PHONE. I say, "hey can I talk to Becky (ex's name)" "Sorry we are at dinner right now and then we are seeing a movie. Bye, *click*" OH MY FUCKING GOD THAT MOTHERFUCKER JUST HUNG UP ON ME. FUCKASINISATGNHSINSTAYSI%!@!@%.

Yeah so I am fucking enRAGED right now at that stupid whore and her asshat faggotfuck boyfriend. I HATE WOMEN ITS OFFICIAL.

Cliffnotes: Ex and I broke up 4 months ago. She promised me she would hang out with me before we go off to college in 2 days. She ditches me yesterday because she promissed her friend they would hang out. We make new plans for today, she blows me off AGAIN. Worse part was her fucking boyfriend that answered the phone and basically said "no you can't talk to her" and hung up.

GF and I are both 21 btw.

MadeInJapan said:
She gives good head?


Wraith... I, unlike most people can keep a friendship with an ex if the terms of breaking up were not for a bad reason.
sucks, not much you can do about it. just remember that he's getting sloppy seconds and express your dissapointment in her or some shit next time SHE calls YOU
WrathChild said:
$20 says new b/f is giving her shit about still talking to/hanging out with you.

With her that doesn't matter, she said if her boyfriend can't handle the fact that she gave 2 years of her life to me and we are still friends, then he isn't the one for her.
want me to call her and see if he answers, and if he does i'll be like "i think i left my cell phone over there last night..."

or something of that matter

that'll piss him off :]
Fancy Cat said:
want me to call her and see if he answers, and if he does i'll be like "i think i left my cell phone over there last night..."

or something of that matter

that'll piss him off :]

Haha pm me if you are serious ;)
=mizuno= said:
With her that doesn't matter, she said if her boyfriend can't handle the fact that she gave 2 years of her life to me and we are still friends, then he isn't the one for her.

apparently she was just trying to make you feel better