I am absolutely in favor of a response for the use of chemical weapons.

I think it's high time for the rest of the world to impose a complete blockade on the United States. You fucking people need to die as soon as possible, and take your jewish overlords with you.

But then what forum will you endlessly troll?
I read a cnn poll this morning.

8/10 Americans polled believe Assad used gas on his own people.

7/10 Americans polled still do not want American intervention or believe that intervention will not solve anything.

Uphill battle, Obama!
What Americans don't understand is that they actually have to pay for the wars, each war is about $20,000 per household. I think if you showed Americans the cost for the war and told them to vote with your dollars, and every $20k donated is a vote for the war, there wouldn't be many votes.

Do you really think the author of this thread has $20k to give to this war right now?

Edit for new thought:
An easy way to bankrupt the US quickly would be to come up with "proof" that every country in the world used chemical weapons, forcing them to simultaneously enter into war with every country on earth, costing the US around $500 Trillion
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fight space for throwing rocks @ us w/ blast/impact profiles similar to thermonuclear assault

this aggression will not, can not stand etc
follow the money people.

and you find why this is happening. start here: SYRIA: NATO’s Next “Humanitarian” War?, By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, 11 February 2012

i believe this is the guy who made the loans with the IMF/World Bank and Goldman: Dardari: The Trojan Horse of Neoliberal Syria and, Syrian Neoliberal Advocates Go International

if you are confused about Neoliberal economics and what it means and what it does to any nation, you can watch this for a primer:

and if you have the time, read this: Amazon: The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order by, Michel Chossudovsky where he really gets into 3rd world nations being forced to accept loans that can never be repaid.
nothing wrong with that statement provided there's legitimate power backing up that statement.

without legitimacy you're just some guy with a gun.
Russia: hey syria, fyi america is fucking crazy and going to blow your asses to kingdom come if you don't submit to their will. we dont want to start ww3 over you so could you please let us take over your chemical weapons? kthx
Continuing ICFire's post.

Over the past 24 hours, important developments have occurred regarding the Syria situation. First, I bring your attention to the fact that Russia has asked the Syrian authorities to hand over their chemical weapons to international control where they will be stored and eventually destroyed. Russia has also asked the Syrian authorities to then join the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. In response to this request, the Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem said “Syria Arab Republic welcomes Russia’s initiative, based on the Syrian’s government care about the lives of our people and security of our country,”. He has also said that Damascus was ready for "full cooperation with Russia to remove any pretext for aggression.". John Kerry has implied (but not promised) that by turning over their chemical weapons, Syria could avoid a US military strike on their country. Yet he has also assured the public that Syria will not go through with it.

Another very important development --> According to RussiaToday's sources, chemical weapons may soon be fired at Israel by Syrian Rebels. If the attack goes through, (since the US has given millions of dollars to these "rebels") could it be an attempt to put more blame on Assad's regime and justify a war in Syria? These reports come conveniently after Syria's Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem's statement which indicates that Syria is ready to surrender their chemical weapons. Recently the UK has admitted to allowing British companies to send the chemicals needed to make Sarin nerve gas to Syria for many years in bulk. Right now we can only speculate on the reason that the rebels would do this, but we should all keep in mind that the US administration has so far only claimed to have definite evidence that Assad's regime was responsible for the recent chemical attacks in Damascus, while the Syrian rebels have admitted to possessing chemical weapons and their stash's have been found several times. The US administration has refused to make their supposed concrete evidence public. Do not forget that these "rebels" have been given millions of dollars by the US, and do not forget that their members consist partly of Al-Qaeda militants (which ironically the US is at war with throughout the middle east). Thanks for reading!


Here are some links to new RT articles regarding these recent events.

Russia urges Syria hand over chemical weapons to intl control to avoid strike ? RT News

Syria welcomes Russia?s offer to put its chemical weapons under intl control ? RT News

RT sources: Syrian rebels plan chem attack on Israel from Assad-controlled territories ? RT News
Russia: hey syria, fyi america is fucking crazy and going to blow your asses to kingdom come if you don't submit to their will. we dont want to start ww3 over you so could you please let us take over your chemical weapons? kthx

Putin just put Kerry to shame. So far Putin has been kicking the crap out of this administration.

Now we see if the real reason is chemical weapons (the US agrees to the deal), or if in fact the US is Saudi Arabia's bitch and the US wants to carry out a strike anyway.
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I'd be for a response by whoever was president and think him a gutless wonder if they didn't think one was needed.

I'd tell you to pull your head out of your asses but I think that'd be a futile gesture.

This is as far as I could make it into the ICPedo thread of blatant lies and constant contradiction.


When talking about Bush in 2003:

ICFire said:
It was a UN/NATO not a USA show.
It was approved and sanctioned by the UN/NATO, not something that can be said about our invasion of Iraq.

Hey guys......It's not just a USA show, but now it is all about the USA show because we are the world leader since Obama got in. We world police now.

ICFire said:
How much of a moron are you. This is just fucking fantastic, you mean we had approval of the UN? We had military from a broad spectrum of countries join with us or that we had the approval of a coalition of middle eastern countries.

Damn I missed all of that...


We only needed the UN and global support back then guys. Not now. Now we go it alone. We run the show, fuck the rest. Don't hold the black man down your racists. He is the man now.

ICFire said:
You just made my point but I'm sure you are bright enough to understand that the US is part of NATO and the UN. Yes American troops were involved but it was not a US Military action. You do understand the difference don't you?

ICFire dancing krunk and drunk on all that Obama Kool-Aid now

ICFire said:
Doesn't change the fact that it WAS NOT A US MILITARY ACTION.
To quote you "Nice try"

But it is now.......WMD big time unilateral thing on this one time only deal.

ICFire said:
I mean the whole fucking war was about oil from the get go and everything that has happened or failed to happened proves it every fucking day.


ICFire said:
Budda, you'd be hard pressed at the current time to prove otherwise with all the things the Bush admin. said they had as evidence before the war and have failed to produce any of to this point.

ICFire said:
Yeah, let's gloss over the fact that they said they had this evidence BEFORE THEY INVADED....

Evidence? Evidence? Fuck all that silly business this time around if the CiC says so its true. We owe him that much. Never failed us before. You either with us or against us folks. If you are against us GTFO of the country.

ICFire said:
...and we all know no American could be corrupt when millions are at stake...

Oh really? So American's are corruptible when millions are on the line......you don't say?

But not this time right?

ICFire said:
God damnit what part of the Bush administrations claim of "WE HAVE THE EVIDENCE." before the fucking war started can you not grasp.

And remember folks, all this bullshit being spewed from an "Independently minded Conservative" and I didn't have to go past page 12 of just one god damn thread to find all these massively hypocritical contradictions

Bush will not be re-elected with nation-wide televised debates. by Hugo - Page 12 - TribalWar Forums

This is the level of partisan stupid you are wasting words arguing with.
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