How much $ do you spend per month on subscription-based web services?


Veteran XX
I have managed to do everything I want to do online for free (more or less) for as long as I've used the internet. There are certain things I should probably pay for, but I don't. I've occasionally gotten suckered into paying for something that I didn't intend to pay for, but those instances are few and far between. I also occasionally donate to sites like Wikipedia, never on a subscription though.

I'm talking about services like Amazon Prime, Netflix, music apps, online non-profit/political donations, video game DLC/subscriptions, porn site memberships, etc etc. There must be people out there who spend a fortune on this shit because they don't know any other way. I'm just curious how the relatively savvy denizens of TW handle their digital fundz. Don't include bills or shit you buy on amazon.
pretty much just netflix, but i only bought that as a gift for my mom.

I have amazon prime too, but it definitely saves me money on ordering online so I don't even count that. I too am often amazed by how many of these damn subscriptions are out there, and seemingly profitable. All the boxes of crap that can show up monthly, or weird meals that you have to cook anyways... I don't really get it.
My Amazon hack is using their efficiency against them. Even if you don't have Prime and you select the free shipping option, you still usually get it in 2 days. I don't make enough online purchases to justify having a 'membership' to an online store.
crapple chunes - $5

i go full basement dweller and piggyback on famiry for the netprix and amazon vidya

i mite contribute some gbp and pay for hulu and let famiry use it 2, but only if mom stops withholding my rightful daily chicken tendies from me
Zero because I don't like to be tied up. I occasionaly donate to news sites, crowdfundings, charities etc, but never as a subscription. I guess that the small contribution to TW doesn't count.
However, I'm on the fence about upgrading Photobucket to premium. Worth it or not?

I use my friends HBO Nordic and he uses my Netflix but I would probably pay for HBON myself.

Could i get all the stuff i wanted for free? (bar online psn) Sure but it would be very time consuming. I still occasionally download shows and movies but having these subscriptions is such a convenience.

If i could choose only one thing it would be Spotify.
None, TW is the only thing I have paid to use on the internet.

Actually I did used to buy WoW game cards for a while but never subscribed.