How many squares?

a square can be a rectangle but a rectangle can not be a square

opposite of that

quadrilaterals are shapes with 4 straight sides
parallelograms are a subset of quadrilaterals where opposite sides are parallel to each other
rhombuses are a subset of parallelograms where all sides are the same length
rectangles are a subset of parallelograms where all angles are right angles
a square is both a rhombus and a rectangle
OOOOOOHHHHHH Nice work fella. I'm far too drunk right now but will have a crack tomorrow at that tomorrow. It's probably hundreds.

Ginger edit: is a square a rectangle?

A square is a rectangle. Not all rectangles are squares.
I come up with 118 rectangles (including the 40 squares)

seems like you could make a quick gif out of the image by filling in each square with a tally at the top

but i dunno how to make gifs