How fucked am I?

i wouldnt worry about jailtime... im in much deeper shit than you are and i wont see any(hopefully). do expect heavy fines and shit like that.
telos said:
that was 6 months ago roughly
What a bunch of bullshit. I was so poor at the time and going 14 over would have been like a $70 ticket instead of $200. Can't believe it's only $273 for going 28 over.
I got clocked at 108 in a 70, $360 and ticket read "Speed over 100".

You'll be fine.. just a hefty ticket and three years of insurance reform.
its going to cost you plenty..probably close to 200, and you'll be lucky if they dont get you for reckless op or reckless endangerment and pull your license for 6 mos or so
Has he mentioned what state he is from yet? and how old he is. in MN you lose your license if you are under 21 and doing that.
GoD-Chry said:
I got clocked at 108 in a 70, $360 and ticket read "Speed over 100".

You'll be fine.. just a hefty ticket and three years of insurance reform.
did you loose your liscense? Appear in court? Where you able to do traffic school?
Synth said:
Im 21 years old and I live in CA :[[
you're going to regret this.

insurance - fucked
next 3 paychecks - fucked
points on license - fucked
having your license - possibly fucked
Dude, you're in Cali. Just file a lawsuit against the auto manufacturer for designing an engine capable of those excessive speeds. They put your life in danger!