How could you sell a data base of personal information?


Veteran XV
Ten years ago my sister got a job at diploma mill. The state fixed some laws and was able to shut it down after many years of highly profitable operation. Now she wasn't in any sort of high position at this place, but by the time the whole thing was shut down the was one of the last employees left. Some how she came come the data base of students which includes lots of stuff like email, address, ages ect.

So we got to talking and there are about 18,000 people in the data base (I think it is MS Access). Does anyone think it is worth anything to anyone. Where could she sell it?
Phaseshift said:
Ten years ago my sister got a job at diploma mill. The state fixed some laws and was able to shut it down after many years of highly profitable operation. Now she wasn't in any sort of high position at this place, but by the time the whole thing was shut down the was one of the last employees left. Some how she came come the data base of students which includes lots of stuff like email, address, ages ect.

So we got to talking and there are about 18,000 people in the data base (I think it is MS Access). Does anyone think it is worth anything to anyone. Where could she sell it?

Have fun ending up in prison
i have a database of over 50,000 cc's and all related names/address i discovered through a "script error" on an ecommerce site :) never really did anything with it though cuz im not a douche.
Hmmm, I didn't realise it could be illegal. Anyway she asked me if it was worth anything even sell-able. I thought here would be the best place to ask!

I'm pretty sure she has legal rights to the data. And I'm sure the corrupt diploma mill didn't have a privacy policy. Never-the-less I'll advice her that selling it may be immoral.
Khushi said:
i have a database of over 50,000 cc's and all related names/address i discovered through a "script error" on an ecommerce site :) never really did anything with it though cuz im not a douche.

and you would like to keep your anal cavity free of the penis.
Phaseshift said:
Hmmm, I didn't realise it could be illegal. Anyway she asked me if it was worth anything even sell-able. I thought here would be the best place to ask!

I'm pretty sure she has legal rights to the data. And I'm sure the corrupt diploma mill didn't have a privacy policy. Never-the-less I'll advice her that selling it may be immoral.

doesn't matter what the data mills privacy policy is, if you don't have signatures giving you rights to sell private information it is illegal.
Using the Internet to commit a felony, while broadcasting your intentions to the whole world in the process.

Why not just put a gun to your fucking head?

Orby, I'm afraid you just dropped down a notch.
ironically, our government is one of the biggest buyers of personal info databases in the nation. it allows them to gather all the information they're not legally (or constitutionally? 4th ammendment i'd guess) allowed to obtain using their own methods. but they're allowed to buy it from data farms.