How come we're 6 months into the 2011 fiscal year for gov't

Remember when Republicans tried to abolish the filibuster?

We all should've just let them.

Same binary thinking that has bankrupted us as a nation. You're both part of the problem.

Senate Democrats Embrace Filibuster
Posted by Brian Darling (Profile)
Friday, April 8th at 11:30AM EDT

In the budget battle that threatens to shut down government, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has embraced the filibuster as a tool to preserve government funding for Planned Parenthood. This is the same Senator Schumer who, as recently as January, had denounced the filibuster as a tool to “grind the Senate to a halt.”

Senate Democrats today reiterated a pledge to filibuster any budget deal that includes a rider eliminating funding for Planned Parenthood.
25% approval, 95% incumbency. "Fucking Party A, they're awful. That's why I vote Party B."

You have to love the fact that the average congressman's net worth goes up 1500% in 10 years regardless of party and the fact that at the highest level of seniority they only make 150-160k for their salary.
You're a fucking idiot. You can thank our republican governor for that one.
No. I think I'll start with the guy (Obama) that originally tried to slip this bright idea into Obamacare
The defense budget takes up more than social security, since we dont have any kind of specific tax to help support it like medicare and SS.
However the defense budget never goes over. In cases like welfare the governemt is paying out more than it is budgeting for. (I've already posted the study that shows this point in this very thread).
Got any numbers to support that bullshit? I pay every paycheck, where as CEO's are paid in non taxable stock bonuses.
Why do I even need to post any numbers with you? It's in your f*cking mantra. Remember "the widening class gap?" Remember "the middle class is rapidly disappearing?" So with your own proclamations you can infer that there are more people in poverty than has ever been in the past based off of population, inflation and income (or lack thereof).

If more people are living in poverty then they sure as f*ck aren't earning enough to pay in income tax. This is all according to your own view of class stratifiction.
Again, you're a complete fucking moron. This isnt a surprise though. More domestic jobs is more taxable income instead of sitting around collecting Unemployment.
More free enterprise = more jobs = more tax revinue

and you're a f*cking government-loving stooge.

BTW, we're now up to $38.5 Billion in budget cuts; up from $33 Bil (just like I suggested could happen earlier in this thread).
No. I think I'll start with the guy (Obama) that originally tried to slip this bright idea into Obamacare
Then you're not only a fucking idiot, you're a willful fucking idiot. Obama had nothing to do with the AZ death panels, our republican governor cut public coverage on organ transplants, despite the state media, citizens, and state lawmakers proposing plans that would cover the transplants without adding any extra spending, and still she refused to cover those people until several had died and several major state news papers were tearing into her on a weekly basis.

However the defense budget never goes over. In cases like welfare the governemt is paying out more than it is budgeting for. (I've already posted the study that shows this point in this very thread).
However, Social security and medicare have specific taxes. The defense budget increases every single year, and we simple take it out of other programs. We have no specific tax for the military to help cover their budget, and we give out money like candy. We spent 6.5 billion on the comanche project, and we have nothing to show for it. We spent 65 billion on R&D to develop the f-22, and paid 150 million for every aircraft, and it's already outdated by unmanned drones that the chairforce wants to buy. At the height of the iraq war we were spending billions every month, and no tax increases on anyone to pay for it.

Why do I even need to post any numbers with you? It's in your f*cking mantra. Remember "the widening class gap?" Remember "the middle class is rapidly disappearing?" So with your own proclamations you can infer that there are more people in poverty than has ever been in the past based off of population, inflation and income (or lack thereof).

It's my mantra? Quote me on that. If you want to make blanket statements about how much the lower tax brackets are paying, show some numbers or be prepared to be called out on your bullshit.

If more people are living in poverty then they sure as f*ck aren't earning enough to pay in income tax. This is all according to your own view of class stratifiction.
Quote me on my view of class stratifiction. The top 1% are earning more than they were 30 years ago, and are paying less taxes due to bonuses in stocks and other non taxable bonuses. They exploit loopholes to pay less than they owe, and continue to increase their pay rate, while the median income has not kept up.

More free enterprise = more jobs = more tax revinue

and you're a f*cking government-loving stooge.

BTW, we're now up to $38.5 Billion in budget cuts; up from $33 Bil (just like I suggested could happen earlier in this thread).

I want a fiscally responsible govt that will balance their taxes with their budget, not take a machete to anything that's not defense related and continue to allow the top tax bracket to get away with fraud.
Same binary thinking that has bankrupted us as a nation. You're both part of the problem.

Senate Democrats Embrace Filibuster
Posted by Brian Darling (Profile)
Friday, April 8th at 11:30AM EDT

In the budget battle that threatens to shut down government, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has embraced the filibuster as a tool to preserve government funding for Planned Parenthood. This is the same Senator Schumer who, as recently as January, had denounced the filibuster as a tool to “grind the Senate to a halt.”

Senate Democrats today reiterated a pledge to filibuster any budget deal that includes a rider eliminating funding for Planned Parenthood.
Fuck it, just get rid the filibuster completely. It's ridiculous idea. Have someone who actually understands logic and game theory re-write the rules on congressional proceeding. Install patches as needed.
Then you're not only a fucking idiot, you're a willful fucking idiot. Obama had nothing to do
[...] weekly basis.
So he had nothing to do with the Az situation. :shrug:

I just told you that he came up with the claim approval panels idea long before your Az example in his Obamacare plan. He backed away from it when Repubs called him out on it.

So again, I'm telling you that Obama led that particular reform. Pat him on the back for coming up with it pal!
However, Social security and medicare have specific taxes.
At the height of the iraq war we were spending billions every month, and no tax increases on anyone to pay for it.
So again, according to your logic, one must raise taxes in order to wage war. You are a moron.
It's my mantra? Quote me on that. If you want to make blanket statements about how much the lower tax brackets are paying, show some numbers or be prepared to be called out on your bullshit.
G@WD@MN you are so obtuse. How does an unemployed person pay social security? Medicare? Income tax?

How does a person living below the poverty line pay income taxes? How does a person claiming earned income credit pay any taxes?


A: They aren't. And they totally outnumber that 1% you keep harping on.

Quote me on my view of class stratifiction. The top 1% are earning more than they were 30 years ago, and are paying less taxes due to bonuses in stocks and other non taxable bonuses. They exploit loopholes to pay less than they owe, and continue to increase their pay rate, while the median income has not kept up.
Like I've been saying all along--well at least they actually do pay taxes. And not just income tax either. They pay taxes in every form from coorporate to capital gains to simple sales taxes on an order that you never even have to concern yourself over--you greedy simpleton. DO you even realize what percent of their tax dollars comprise the annual federal revenue?
I want a fiscally responsible govt that will balance their taxes with their budget, not take a machete to anything that's not defense related and continue to allow the top tax bracket to get away with fraud.
Then you are in direct conflict with the reality that has become big government.

It's a shame that you don't have a greater faith in your community and state's ability to govern...because it's costing those who are self-sufficient, responsible and financially competent.
So he had nothing to do with the Az situation. :shrug:

I just told you that he came up with the claim approval panels idea long before your Az example in his Obamacare plan. He backed away from it when Repubs called him out on it.

So again, I'm telling you that Obama led that particular reform. Pat him on the back for coming up with it pal!

So you openly admit that he had nothing to do with the AZ death panels, and then say that he did right after. Way to go!

So again, according to your logic, one must raise taxes in order to wage war. You are a moron.G@WD@MN you are so obtuse.
You cant really be this stupid.
How does an unemployed person pay social security? Medicare? Income tax?
Just because you're in a lower tax bracket does not mean you're unemployed. You're have to be mentally deficient to believe the shit you're spouting in this thread.

How does a person living below the poverty line pay income taxes? How does a person claiming earned income credit pay any taxes?


A: They aren't. And they totally outnumber that 1% you keep harping on.
I live below the poverty line and I pay taxes. The top 1% have more wealth than the bottom 50% combined. It doesnt matter that we out number them, what matters is where the wealth is.

Like I've been saying all along--well at least they actually do pay taxes. And not just income tax either. They pay taxes in every form from coorporate to capital gains to simple sales taxes on an order that you never even have to concern yourself over--you greedy simpleton. DO you even realize what percent of their tax dollars comprise the annual federal revenue?Then you are in direct conflict with the reality that has become big government.
And yet their incomes are increasing annually well above the rate of inflation, their tax rates have not increased, while the average family income is not keeping up with inflation, and our taxes increase because the cost of living and pay scale pushes people into higher brackets, while a person who makes 250,000 a year pays the same as someone who makes billions a year.

It's a shame that you don't have a greater faith in your community and state's ability to govern...because it's costing those who are self-sufficient, responsible and financially competent.

I dont have any faith in my state's ability to govern, because it's the laughing stock of the country, and has shown that our state politicians are willing to let people die for political gain.
However the defense budget never goes over.

Are you saying that the Pentagon never has cost over-runs?

The reason why the defense budget 'never goes over', is because all you have to do is scream DEFENSE and you are handed another 200 billion if they start running out.

Most of the supplemental appropriations bills over the last decade were 'emergency' defense appropriations

2009: 105 billion
2008: 185 billion
2007: 119 billion + 70 attached as a rider
2006: 84 billion
2005: 85 billion + 28 attached as a rider
2004: 87 billion
2003: 79 billion

Those amounts are for the supplemental bills beyond the ordinary defense appropriation bill.

The Pentagon is the most bloated and inefficient department in American government and we keep shoveling more and more money into the grotesque maw that has grown to jabba-like proportions
Because, you know, obama can snap his fingers and the budget will be on his desk

He pretty much did it with healthcare

Oh yeah...that answers alot of questions doesn't it...they were to buisy worrying about a healthcare bill. HMMMMMMMMMMMM