How are the five senses connected?


Veteran XV
I need some help figuring out this problem. My girlfriend has to write an essay on it and I can't find shit online about it. When I google it, I just get some movie called "The Five Senses".

I'll post a pic of her if someone helps me out.
Wraithed said:
The five senses are connected in the brain.

/waiting for picture.

Ok, something thats more than common sense and that you could write an essay based on
connected in what way? perceptual connection? physical conenction? mental connection?

Sounds more like a philosophy question to me :shrug:
In which case, any answer is never wrong :D
The body connects them all, they all work together towards a common goal (sensing)... it is the pinnacle of teamwork. but it is also a paradox because your body is the only one on the team. interesting eh? sounds like a good essay question to me! wheres the pic?
Ok, fine

Is there any more context to the question?

what class is this for?
what class lessons does this relate to?
Jasp said:
idk..psychology i think

Then your answer is definately about the brain and how it takes in sensory information and how that is linked to ones perceptions and emotions.

without specific context of what is being taught in the class when this assignment was given out, it is difficult to know what the teach wants.