HomeLAN Kronos HERCs


Veteran X
HomeLAN Kronos HERCs server is online with an OC-48 connection (which is something like 20 times faster than than a T1 line)

Running the latest test version of Shifter with a few more cool things.
Satellite Strike
Mortar MDM is a bit better
new player physics for charging into people and pushing them
Condor can now transport any ground vehicle like it did with the HERCs in previous version (pick up am MPB, drop it behind enemy lines)
Shrikes are more maneuverable
Laser Rifle has an EMP mode which requires EMP grenades as Ammo
Laser Rifle also has a Power Charger mode which requires Whiteout grenades as Ammo (lets you fire full charge shots faster)
Railguns have Item Destroyer mode which needs AP grenades

Lots of other bugs fixed and lots of balance.

HomeLAN Kronos HERCs (

PS: all the heavy weapons and deployables are limited so its not a full on D fest like some of the other servers.
haha, yeah, i was liking the limited emplacements and beacons, makes the games more fun...

now the only thing we need is alot of players for some really fun league play :hitit:
The only thing we really need is for threads like this to go where they're wanted, aka either on topic or hell, cause shifter fucking sucks
Wren said:
The only thing we really need is for threads like this to go where they're wanted, aka either on topic or hell, cause shifter fucking sucks

fuck you, Shifter is better than base. Takes more skill too.
prove me wrong. Prove me that base is better than shifter and that base takes more skill to play

EDIT: im talking about Tribes 1
I find base match play very simple and basic. You basicly have a guy stand by the flag and just mine it and wait till someone comes for it, jetpack up, and wait for the guy to get near the flag then shoot the mine. When going for the enemy Flag, you just have to hope they have no one standing by it. For Shifter its a lot more advanced, you need multiple things to worry about and do. Setting up flag D, settings up turret D. And if you play shifter with skilled people, you will notice that it is a VERY balanced game. Yes, there is a nuke, but there is also a limit on how many times it is used, and that only a Jugg (heaviest armor) can carry it. But Juggs move incredibly slow. When going for the flag it is A LOT more difficult than base. yes, you can get to the other side of the map a lot quicker in shifter (makes it harder on the engineers, the D people). To me, base in Tribes is very simple, boreing and repetative. I think shifter just adds a LOT more to the game play and more possibilities to happen

But I have to say when dueling around in a normal pub, skill is about equal from base to shifter

now, I want to hear your side of the story as why shifter sucks.
and to let you know, I have played base before, in matches too. So I know this from experience. I hope you have the same background in playing in Shifter to make such statements

EDIT: I know you didnt say "shifter sucks", but you 'seemed' to imply it by your post.
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ah crap, we dont really want a Shifter vs Base argument. they are too different.

Base = pure and simple (well not as simple as Quake, but simple once you learn it all)
Shifter = evolving and complex (though the evloving is almost over)

You still find new tricks in base, you can find new tricks in Shifter (though its a lot easier).

Eg.. With some teamwork you can set up a Vehicle Telepad and send through a fully crewed HERC to smash some f*ck.. :)
Without teamwork you can cause trouble, but there is nothing you can't stop or get past if you have some patience and skill.

Some base things are different though, Cameras help see people even if they are jammed, Shocklance in the back wont kill a heavy so easily (because there are other things better in life than instant kills). stuff like that.

Same diff though, to a Non triber its still just tribes.

Edit: hrm seems Zzz has a point though. But I used to play Base a lot too while I was stil developing shifter, only the last few months have I pretty much quit base (since classic and TR2 came along I got bored, I want BASE and Shifter)
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zzz said:
I find base match play very simple and basic. You basicly have a guy stand by the flag and just mine it and wait till someone comes for it, jetpack up, and wait for the guy to get near the flag then shoot the mine. When going for the enemy Flag, you just have to hope they have no one standing by it. For Shifter its a lot more advanced, you need multiple things to worry about and do. Setting up flag D, settings up turret D.
Have you ever fucking played in a scrimmage with a GOOD team that plays base??? I doubt it because if you had, you would KNOW that this is NOT AT ALL how the game is played. Sure, you can mine/disk.. but most people will SHOOT THE MINE before they try to grab the flag. Also, there is a TF for TURRET FARMING (which is Turret Defense in case you didn't know that).

Are you telling me there aren't multiple things to do in Base? You're full of shit. There might be more gadgets and gizmos in Shifter, but that doesn't require more talent nor does it make it better.
zzz, IF AND WHEN you do learn how to ski in base, you will learn that it takes a lot of skill to play tribes 1 base. standing next to the flag to shoot the capper doesnt do shit, especially when theres 3 cappers coming from 3 different directions going at LUDICROUS speeds.

So basically, you are an idiot, and dont know how to play tribes 1 base, and have never played it competitively.
Archimedes said:
Are you telling me there aren't multiple things to do in Base? You're full of shit. There might be more gadgets and gizmos in Shifter, but that doesn't require more talent nor does it make it better.

there are more things to worry about in shifter than base. more tasks that need to be taken care of. The "gadgest and gizmos" are what help you protect the flag. In shifter there is Flag D, and Turret D. 2 differnt things. Yes, and where you place turrets on a map is crucial.

and basicly, more armor, with more weapons and more turrets means more possibilities.
and have you ever played a scrimmage against a GOOD team in Shifter? its not like they hit the Nuke button to win or anything, they use tactics and coordination to win.

But in base you got.. 1 type of mine. 1 type of grenade in T1 and a few in T2 (which are hardly used), Some weapons which all pretty much do the same thing and some packs.

Its funny to run around a corner and see a mine stuck to the wall at head height blow you across the room.

Then again its also funny to run across an EMP mine which strips your shields and then hear a laser turret spin around and zap you in the back of the head.
I am not trying to say Base is better (even though I think it is, but that is my opinion), I am just trying to defend Base. zzz, just because there are more options and more things to do in Shifter does not make it better, nor does it mean Base is easier. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a base down against good LD and a good TF? It can be nearly impossible sometimes.

In conclusion, just because there is more stuff in Shifter doesn't make it better. Since Base has less stuff, that doesn't make it better either. I am just stating that Shifter is not better or requires more skill just because there is more stuff.
heh, good thing I'm bored, otherwise i wouldn't be getting into this argument.

zzz said:
The "gadgest and gizmos" are what help you protect the flag.

Yeah, in base, the thing that helps us protect the flag is called "skill"

The less amount of possibilities makes base no less complex, only makes it more complex in different ways. Routes and strats matter more than loadout. (ono)