HOLY SHIT! You guys need to look at Tribes Talk (link)

Moker said:

omg that makes me cry
k so, whoring that thread

this new guy seems like an unfunny faggot who is ignoring all my posts :(
def said:
speaking of crying for dynamix, i was going thru one of my old backup cd's and found the dynamix.asf, the tribute video that someone made that went from t1 art to the end of dynamix, showing all the fansites and stuff.


UL that to TW... i wanna see that... i vaguely remember it... but can't picture it anymore.
Scr8pin said:
Hey all -

I wanna say 2 things.

First - I know you are all sad to see Alex go, and I want you to know that I share the same feelings. Alex is a great guy and one of the most hardcore Tribes fans that I've ever known. I don't expect that I'll ever be able to be as great as Alex was, but I'll do my best to represent the Tribes community to Vivendi. You guys are what drives this franchise forward and that's not something that will be overlooked.

Second - It's Scr8pin - and it sounds like Scrapin'. If you don't like it - well...you'll get over it.

How's that for a first post?
He our new weasel?
Fuck, our new brand manager is one of those "numbers for letters" assholes.

Sigh. At least we have Halo 2 to look forward too.
I still have my tribes 1 box signed by the whole dev team, what a great bunch of guys they were. Oh well, the memories :)
UL that to TW... i wanna see that... i vaguely remember it... but can't picture it anymore.
Just happend to have that movie layin around on my old HDD. Uploaded to Tribes 2/movies section of the files DB...whenever it gets "moderated" it'll be thar.