Hit it?

Rooster! said:
since when did you crawl up stealths asshole??

i couldnt really fit in there anyway, too many dead gerbils

you on the other hand...i could park a fucking big rig in your cavernous shit pipe
Glare said:
i couldnt really fit in there anyway, too many dead gerbils

you on the other hand...i could park a fucking big rig in your cavernous shit pipe

Stop insulting
i think common sense would be not clicking on a thread called hit it or not at work

but hey we've had this discussion before, in fact i feel dumber from having read your inane drivel

with that being said, have a nice night
Glare said:
i couldnt really fit in there anyway, too many dead gerbils

you on the other hand...i could park a fucking big rig in your cavernous shit pipe

what can I say, you got me there...:shrug:
thanks for contributing! your donation has made this thread (where you've been made out to be an incompetent slacker) possible.

we here at tribalwar would like to thank you for doing your part to keep this toilet bowl primed and ready for the next big turd of a thread to plop its way down into the rest of the shit filled extravaganza this place has become.
Glare said:
thanks for contributing! your donation has made this thread (where you've been made out to be an incompetent slacker) possible.

we here at tribalwar would like to thank you for doing your part to keep this toilet bowl primed and ready for the next big turd of a thread to plop its way down into the rest of the shit filled extravaganza this place has become.

Just doing my part to keep the community enlightened.

It could be worse. The day crew spends all their time bible bashing.
Im with Glare....if you are worried about getting seeing at work with what someone posted then:

1. Dont fucking do it
2. Dont click on threads that obviously contain a female
3. Dont fucking browse at work at worry about getting caught..THEN maybe you can go up higher in the food chain and get a FUCKING OFFICE instead of your gerbil cube.
4. WAHH fucking WAHHH
That "not work safe" excuse is pathetic.

Posting on forums is not work safe because it's ripping off your employer.

And my boss has never complained about the porn I drop in his shared folder...