HIT IT OR NOT [Japanese Model Edition]

this sick fucker is probably some vet (1-6) who made an account where he can post shit that is completely unneeded.

Sick fuck and liar add up to ------->:ban:
Where do these people come from?

The pic itself is from a father adn mother who instead of aborting a barely able to live baby (known long before birth) decided to have the baby anyway.

Now said baby has had something like 30+ surgeries throughout childhood and will continue for a long time with them and still look that way prolly.

In england there are 2 families who has harlequin babies, knowing they had a 1/4 chance of having another, both still procreated and both had another harlequin child who has to endure a shit ton of stuff, including taking 4-5 hours worth of baths and applying copius ammounts of lotion 4-5 times a day.

Abortion is evil
This is so distasteful... you are going straight to hell.
how in the world is it distasteful

It is a picture of a human being who is here because of religion. Do you think God sees her as ugly or disgusting or is it our own care for beauty that makes us disgusted so. If you can not stand even looking at a little girl that it makes you extremely mad you even had to look at her I think that is a little selfish. So because it was a normal albiet considered very ugly girl instead of a supermodel you are offended.

Sorry you had to look at the opposite of a super model.

God is very angry you could not decide what Japanese Super Model you would fuck and instead had to see an unfortunate girl.
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he should, if he doesnt there is something wrong.

edit: aww i wasnt done masturbating to the pictures :(
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No it is funny people think God gives a shit how disgusted they are by an ugly human being. Do you think an all powerful being cares how one looks? That's why the bible talked a lot about wearing makeup and picking out the right shoes.
Well anyways back to the freak of nature, how long do you think it will be before it grows another set of arms

honestly it is completely normal besides missing a face. By the time it is 16 it will only be ugly not freak of nature, specially with modern plastic surgery.

Although Im sure there will be a lot of psycho baggage and shit from childhood of surgeries etc. Her dad seems pretty badass and with modern plastic surgery, considering how far she has come from having a really fucked up to only fucked up... She really isn't terribly fucked like Harlequin teenagers/children are.

Or even wheelchair bound, I would not be suprised if she was okay in life.