Hey TW whats your guilty pleasure?

I thought skeletor was going to say something about covering a golf cart in cardboard and pretending it was a tank while playing paintball with his child friends...with his tank drivers licenses

I suppose these days for me it's watching car crash videos on youtube
i pee outside 70% of the time

I tried to tell my wife how much I save and Water by not flushing the toilet save water what a concept... only in California.

Used to be listening to music with hallucinogens... now it's just alcohol I need to watch... thank goodness I didn't start drinking until I was a little older here
i pee in the sink and sometimes shit in the shower... its the one thing ill admit to the wife on my deathbed... teeehee :sunny:
slim jim

p sure it's the prototype soylent green
I've tried giving my dog Slim Jims several times and he refuses to eat them. He smells them for a while and then turns away.

That is all i need to know for me to not eat them.