hey monkey_b i have a problem for you

i would post on these forums but all my stories end with, "and then i whipped it out with varying degrees of success"
I was at a bar in oklahoma city and saw a guy running pua routines. It was a fat ugly guy wearing bright orange pants/vest/hat and went around asking every single girl in the place what he should name his dog and then trying to perform the same magic tricks and stuff. He was successful in getting them to talk to him, but at the same time you get the feeling that they all viewed him as nothing more than an entertaining clown.
PUA Pics - Photos of well known Pick Up Artist




but they get laid more than i do and that makes them better than me so i really can't laugh

hahaha jk i'm laughing
look at his biceps

theyre as big around as my wrists

although that metal wrist thingie majig would be kinda scary
i don't go to night clubs

i go to bars

because drinking is a lot easier than meeting girls
I doubt monkey_b has even seen any of these tv shows or reads acronym filled reports. The joke is on ptavv and ayz for actually reading that crap. Cyanides was at least comprehensible.

Get a new schtick ayz. Failed.

Also, ptavv is very ugly and ayz is AN ASIAN.