Hey Californians

i thought wetback was in reference to day workers, or people who do manual labor, and it just kind of stuck to mexicans/cubans because they are usually the ones doing it. as in, when you do manual labor your back becomes wet with sweat.
Proton said:
i thought wetback was in reference to day workers, or people who do manual labor, and it just kind of stuck to mexicans/cubans because they are usually the ones doing it. as in, when you do manual labor your back becomes wet with sweat.


our consolation gift is two radishes, thanks for playing
Wetback or Wetbacks is a derogatory term for a Mexican laborer who, in order to obtain usually laborious work in the United States, illegally enters the country by either swimming or wading across the Rio Grande.

according to wikipedia

edit: so yeah i guess i was wrong but i thought that made sense... whatever, mexicans all the same
wet·back ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wtbk)
n. Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a Mexican, especially a laborer who crosses the U.S. border illegally.

[From the fact that the Rio Grande is a common entry point.]
Rilke said:
You going to do the stoop labor? I don't think so.

not me personally, but before the influx there was always someone to do it. The country doesn't need them the function.
Boomyguy said:
not me personally, but before the influx there was always someone to do it. The country doesn't need them the function.

Yes, but then them damned treating citizens like humans things came in and ruined it, so we import our slaves now.
Khushi said:
interesting timing for bush to flipflop... cuz he doesnt give a shit wat beaners think anymore. finally he does something i agree with... maybe he'll drop the whole Iraq war, stop hiring retards into office, etc.

he didn't flip flop, I initially thought he did when I heard the topic this morning, his stance is the same as it was 3 years ago.
Which is in favor of some pass to let you work and live here.
Even if you are here illegally to begin with.
It's like, "here's your gift for jumping the border!! Be sure to tell your friends!"

I think that is what's going on. They were talking about it on the news all morning. Not even clear on what the mexicans here are protesting.

This guy sums it up well. Even tho I doubt I would normally agree with his opinion considering the site.
claudius said:
I'm pretty sure "wetback" is typically used to refer to those illegal immigrants who get into the United States by crossing the Rio Grande. Or that is the intended meaning, at least.
GreyGhost said:
Yes, but then them damned treating citizens like humans things came in and ruined it, so we import our slaves now.

no, after the slaves, before the mexicans.

and after the chinese...

so, you know, a whole 3 years of white guys doing it. ;)
missing the point. They are fine. But we have a huge problem. Of course they want to come here, understood, but doing it illegally strains our system. Especially at the rate they are entering, it's crazy.
Then you look at some poor bastard from Thailand, studying his ass off to pass the immigration test. waiting many years. It's unfair to them. we just need more control.
Like being born in Mexico and being deprived gives them some right to come here automatically. It sucks a lot worse in other places. The most spoiled 3rd worlders.
"waa, it sucks in Mexico"
These two spics knocked at my door just now. They said they were selling newspapers or something, I'm not sure, wasn't listening, but one of them seemed to be taking pictures of my house, or car, or maybe the mountains, not sure. But I'm pretty damn sure they were one of those "Take California back" Mexicans. BRB, getting guns.