

Veteran X
i has it :brows:. gf sayz she gots testeds for it cuz she was sore down there n she saiz she haz it. im not gonza die am i?
Good god everyone's coming down with herpes these days...

People are just now admitting it, theyve had it all along but were ashamed of it. Now they think its cool to have herpes. Its the new FAD. You should go get Herpes now too.
pics of gf :rolleyes:

just talked to doctor, he says im not contagious whenever sores arent open so long as i take this pill thing he gave me. doctor always tells the truth amirite?
sorry i didn't live up to the expectations of a herpes parody thread response.

go google herpes if you want information STD man.
I smoked a hookah yesterday with someone who has HSV-1/Cold sores.

I dont want to get lip aids man.

but at least my penis is fine.