Help me think of a cool alias


He roasted people alive in a hollow, bronze bull.

The mouth was worked into a megaphone, so their screams could travel farther.

The smith that crafted it for him was the first to be roasted in it.

Actually, he was too much of a badass. You don't deserve that name.

That's an awesome story.
The Celts had 10 forms of legal marriage, and only 3 of them were permanent. It was fairly common for female heirs to take a temporary husband to continue the bloodline without sharing power.

But, according to legend, when the High King cast aside his (permanent) wife Vennolandua for another woman (and a Saxon slave at that), she raised an army against him, led them into battle, killed him in a Champion's duel, and claimed the throne for herself to avenge the insult. "And though it had never before been the custom for women to ride into battle, it was their right thereforth."

She even kissed him - or rather, kissed his severed head - soundly on the lips, saying "You swore yourself to me alone, my love, and I to you. Mine shall be the last lips that taste of yours."

She never remarried.