[Help] Computer overheating


Veteran X
I just moved, this has been a problem when the weather gets to hot or my AC broke in my old place. I replaced a fan but its still rebooting alot. Can anyone sugest something else I can do to cool this. I had this problem fixed or so I thought after putting a new fan on it and setting the AC to keep my old apt about 2 degrees cooler. But now if I play any games for more than about 5 minutes I get rebooted.

AMD Athlon2000+ (though if I have to keep it underclocked because of the heat now)
Asus NForce (I dont remember the model number)
1gb RAM
GF4 ti4400
3hds, 1 CDRW

Please help me TW.
There are lots of options. Most helpful would probably be buying a new case with side fans and a top fan. You can also do things like getting a video card slot cooler to help keep that cool, and a better HSF for your processor. www.plycon.com is a good site for cooling equipment.