hello please unban ephraim "fraggle" jewishlastname


No Ass?
:huh: WTF?????

since you're here

red has decided that he's not gay and has been trolling us all (aka he's starting another manic episode)

in your own words, and not ebonics or phontetics, aka real-people words

tell us about how gay redmund is

I want to shove it in his face
since you're here

red has decided that he's not gay and has been trolling us all (aka he's starting another manic episode)

in your own words, and not ebonics or phontetics, aka real-people words

tell us about how gay redmund is

I want to shove it in his face

Ask him about "Tasha" Tasha's dad wuz a cop.
Da guy that wants to be a girl. Bitch boy girl "wanna be", had a fine ass.

Teh used to go to "The Saint" BIg Gay Club on N. Main Street. ( by San Antonio College)
Silver Dollar.

Ask him about "Mark" Gay white guy,
Red went to live there with Mark anna nutter guy. (when Teh 17 y.o.)
1 block over. Proof? I gots letter Mark wrote Red.

( Comes to Phoenix, I can gets you "modeling" job! :lol:)

Trolling ? , .... Kinda sorta, .... but diss boy iz Squacky! :signed:
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i think badmofo is actually afraid someone is going to link his boss to his 10+ year history of posting like a 9 year old for 4 hours a day during business hours

he seems pretty upset
right so getting back on topic

eph stupidly posted joe's full name and his public linkedin profile as a new thread and that prompted the ban

except joe had already ragequit tw anyway

and yet the badmofo, nigafool, and refried nextings seem 2 b completely acceptable and need no ban

?? i don't get it
Interpretation and enforcement of the rules is up to the moderators and administrators of the site. This document is only a general guideline and not a definitive document of the actions taken by those left in charge of making sure the forum is running smoothly and within the boundaries of some semblence of taste ... not to mention the law. Don't try and rules lawyer an administrator based on what you think the rules should be or you will wind up with a pissed off administrator unsympathetic to your cause.
good thing i didn't mention anything about the rules phew

just trying to understand what's happening here

edit: after using my brain i'm p sure i answered my own question

bladmofo was clearly raging harder than anyone else who was "nexted" over imaginary threats and the admins pry just wanted 2 shut that up
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I think banning badmofo for his own good fat mav style and unbanning fraggle is the best option

then again, the cold hard facts are that badmofo gets pms congratulating him on his posting prowess and he knows kevin mitnick(bfd)