[Healthcare] Guess how much my friends medical procedures are [guess]


Veteran XV
I have a friend that does not make much money. On top of that he doesn't know how to handle money wisely. He has diabetes. He recently had several medical procedures done and told me he was struggling to make ends meet. He came to me asking to help him sort out his mess.

So, we came up with a personal budget to help him get back on track. In doing so I was shocked with how much his medical expenses were.

Medical Procedures:
-He got a cut on his foot that never healed due to his diabetes. He was an idiot that waited way to long to go to the doctor.
-Once he went to the doctor, the doctor told him this was beyond his skill and he needed to go to the emergency room.
-Goes to the e.r. and they try to heal him over the next couple of days.
-They are unable to do so and have to remove 3 of his toes.

-A surgeon is brought in to remove his toes.
-An anesthesiologist is brought in to knock him out during the procedure.
-He is in the hospital for OVER 3 WEEKS recovering.
-After that he is placed on outpatient care and comes in twice a week for a month, then after that once a week for a month.


[guess] How much is his total bill?

Edit: This is in America in a decent sized city in a populace state.

Answer on page 3.
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23,4 spuzillion?
I'm gonna guess and say $50,000. I'm betting that's somewhere in the LOW LOW range. Typically though, for people without insurance, the hospital will cut you a deal.

So, tell them you'll give them 10k and call it even.

I bid $200,000.01

Judging by the guesses I'd say most of us have already had the OMG moment with a hospital bill. They are insane.