headsets are for suckers


suck it.
I get the point that this thread is not about desktop speakers. I just got lost while typing my original post and left out the part with a desktop microphone picking up noise from speakers....faggot.
That kind of setup is okay as long as you are wearing headphones.

I hate the idiots that DON'T HAVE HEADPHONES, BUT RATHER DESKTOP SPEAKERS, AND THEY talk on Ventrilo when all you can hear in the background is game noises.

thank god your concern is so relevant to the setup i posted
how does the mic do with background noise? does it pick up everything in the room?
what i mean is, most stand mics pic up a lot of ambient noise. I have the HD-555s, but use a mic that came with my webcam, and it blows ass
My brother-in-law has a desktop mic, (with headphones) and it picks up his keyboard, his air conditioner, his computer case, his wife talking from the other side of the room....
gimme exact model or brand of these so i can look up a review

this headset is the best thing i ever bought for a computer.

Model : Sennheiser PC 160SK

read whatever review you want, its the shit.

edit: btw, rofl @ desktop microphones.
how does the mic do with background noise? does it pick up everything in the room?

it picks up a lot but it's pretty clear... like other people can hear anyone in my apt talking, or my TV... but my voice comes across crystal clear.

i use push to talk though so it doesn't really matter anyways. i used to use voice activated but sometimes that shit would cut me off mid-sentence
I hate having to wear headphones. At the end of the day, a good set of speakers are more comfortable and sound better.

No, I don't go on "vent" and use a mic with speakers. I say off vent. It's half the reason I never got into clans. I even got myself a nice set of Sony headphones (VDR-600 or something)...it just isn't as nice.

Someone just needs to come up with a mic that cancels out speaker noise. It shouldn't even be that difficult.