HBO - True Detective

Episode 5 Cliffs:

- Hart and Cohle take down Reggie Ledoux (though their official story is a lie).
- In 2002, Cohle learns that Ledoux was just a bit player. Not the Yellow King.
- Cohle has been working on the case in secrecy ever since.
- Most likely, the Tuttle family is behind the cult/murders. Rust knows this. More importantly, they know Rust knows this. Now they're using their power (the 2012 detectives are their pawns) to try to convince Marty to turn on Rust so they can take him down.
- So now that they've revealed their hand, it's game on between Rust and them.
I'm beginning to think it is

I'm beginning to think it is


That doesn't make any sense at all
Maggie's Dad will be involved. He hates their generation. The mayor's brother prob involved too.

Audrey, Hart's daughter, will be a target for the cult.

Neither Hart or Cohle will be involved. This show is too sophisticated for some bullshit like that.