Have we had a poll to determine the most Bitter TribalWhore?

So is that the ex's new dude?

Cuz... how do you go from Vanster, who is pretty funny, intelligent, and laid back, to some dude who can't spell and acts like the sheriff in the movie Porky's.

This whole thing is fascinating on so many levels.

its actually her first husband of like 5, who she's still in love with apparently, and he's posturing up to van like its his fucking fault

it's a fucking horrid situation
I've posted too much on this page, and I can't believe I'm doing this, but...

From what I can gather, ScoobySnacks comes off as an angry SOB on these forums which doesn't appear to reflect reality. He seems to be a stand-up guy when you meet him IRL at the time that there were meetups associated with tribes (you know, those LAN things). Same with BadMoFo, although his MO is not the same. (No, I have never met either)

I could be completely wrong, it wouldn't be the [strike]first[/strike] fifty-ith time.
scoobz is a for real ex-sf, so the training made him aggressive and the shit he had to go through (he was the patrol medic) has made him PTSD to fuck

he's a really nice guy though when you get to know him