Have to bragggggggg sorry

Glare said:
no pics baby i leave it your imagination...

hope you have a BIG imagination....
i maxed at 200 when i was lifting regularly before my elbow surgery ... im getting back into it and can probably put up 175 (i weigh 165)
SarBuze said:
Congrats....but you should focus more on the abdominals.

thats the thing about weightlifting, there are phases, weight gain, strength, and cutting. I gained the weight to get the 5 now I can cut down
Rage22 said:
thats the thing about weightlifting, there are phases, weight gain, strength, and cutting. I gained the weight to get the 5 now I can cut down

I'm currently trying to cut down...but nothing is working. My diet sucks and can't do too much cardio due to recent leg surgery. I'm into circuit training right now, any other advice?

EDIT: was taking stacker 3's but they fucked me up after 2 weeks...know anything about ripped fuel?
Very nice. Chest is by far my worst area in terms of lifting.

But if any of you want to compare rowing muscles (back/legs) to how much you weight.

I can decline squat (yes I know this is not a real squat you can do MUCH more weight) 560 and weigh 160.
-Striker- said:
Very nice. Chest is by far my worst area in terms of lifting.

But if any of you want to compare rowing muscles (back/legs) to how much you weight.

I can decline squat (yes I know this is not a real squat you can do MUCH more weight) 560 and weigh 160.

Who do you row for?
i am skinny

help me get fat

i eat around 6000 calories a day

i swim everyday (except sundays)

lift weights and my own house a few times a week
yet i do not gain weight

halp :(

oh ya i'm 17, 150lbs and 6'2
Very nice rage. Also nice form, alot of people benching that much weight would cheat and bounce if off their chest but you didn't, very impressive.