Have about 15-20k to invest..

Skip! When are you going to say "Thanks"
ibas @ $2.20

Investment date 6/26/2009 at $1.10

Gain or Loss on Investment ($)24,000
Investment Term (Years) .1
Return on Investment (%) 120%
Simple Annualized ROI (%) 973.3%

Blah blah blah blah yeah we get it, you got lucky :p If you think you're so good, what is another stock to buy right now?
Blah blah blah blah yeah we get it, you got lucky :p If you think you're so good, what is another stock to buy right now?

I have been pumping up my index funds. Started about 4 months ago.

So, Skip said he wasn't worried about a little risk. Are you talking something risky as a one off with some "play" money?
I remember suggesting AKS back in march when it was around $6. It's at $20.37 right now. Somebody could have made some serious cash