Happy Tuesday!


Veteran X

I sell baking stuff now which means I'm in the kitchen even more than I was before. Sunday, I made mini apple pumpkin spice cakes (seen below) as well as mini cinnamon pumpkin spice cakes because I'm basic as fuck. Get over it.


I've also been doing a lot of walking/jogging (yes, jogging) because I would like to be able to run from zombies or bears or whatever without dying. I have a 5k coming up in a couple of weeks, and I'm pretty excited because this time I have actually been training for it. The first one I did kicked my ass.

I'm still fat, but I'm down 30 pounds and an unmeasured amount of inches. I didn't do before/after measurements although I really should. I can see my ribs when I stand up straight, so that's cool.
My ass is already fatter than Kim K's. It looks pretty fucking great in yoga pants. However, my hips are too fucking fat and need work. I've been doing these weird side lunge things that help with that along with normal lunges uphill. Those are hard as fuck, but it's worth it.
My ass is already fatter than Kim K's. It looks pretty fucking great in yoga pants. However, my hips are too fucking fat and need work. I've been doing these weird side lunge things that help with that along with normal lunges uphill. Those are hard as fuck, but it's worth it.
That's good to hear, cause fat women should be outlawed as a crime against humanity.

Being a great cook is wonderful, it really is! but having a hot body is what can drive your man towards the kind of joyful aggression you want for your bed time or anytime seeding sessions. Good luck! :)