Hand held instant drug test WTF mate?!!!

Not being a real drug user (besides alcohol anyway) I have no problem with this. Being a manager for a large company, I actually like this. We had a huge pill problem for awhile. Thankfully, our general manager cleaned everything up (for the most part).

I do feel bad for my friends who smoke weed on every so often though. I weed was legalized already.

i have a feeling this great little device will cause the occupy wall street crowds to grow in size exponentially.
still a prototype....this thing won't come into fruition for a while, and beyond that im sure the cost will be higher than police departments are willing to throw down on it
:lol: I'd say most companies would be fucked if they used this.

I remember when I was on ship in Italy and two dudes got caught in the act of snorting coke by the Officer of the Day and they decided to drug test everyone on the ship and all the other ships on the float. Amazingly nobody else got in trouble. I later heard from an insider that around 20% failed for some kind of controlled substance. They covered that shit up real fast.
The way I see any company implementing this wpuld be spot checks followed by (if they failed) an office visit by a real tech. There's no way any comp worth their salt that's going to be making firing decisions based on a 1ft box operated by a potentially biased coworker.

If anything, the ease of detection this device represents will only further societal acceptance of recreational drug use,

Cause if you can't hide it......
I think it's a company's right to drug test, though if I owned a company or controlled the HR empire Id never implement it.

I dont think the urine test is that bad. If one druggie is determined enough to cheat the system with clean urine filled baloons or detoxing, it shows that even though he is a druggie, he's not lazy enough to put out an effort.

It's kind of like how mexicans who are willing to walk across a barren desert, or make a mad dash over an 11 ft fence in the dead at night and meatal gear their way to America probably are not going to be the dead weights once they get over.
Yeah I pretty much entirely agree

also, i remember a time before sig lines when people would put trick sentences at the end of their posts
still a prototype....this thing won't come into fruition for a while, and beyond that im sure the cost will be higher than police departments are willing to throw down on it

wrong. these will be included in obamacare. meaning all non union companies will be required to buy and use them on a daily basis on all non union workers.