Halloween costume?

I think I'm going to build an Optimus Prime suit out of boxes and this helmet I found at Walmart that changes your voice to sound like his. I can't wait to order bitches around as the most authoritative entity in known space.
I said this in the last costume thread, but it was the best idea in the whole thread so i guess i will say it again and make it 2 for 2.

Rig up a suit that looks like a cloud, and carry around a squirt bottle. When someone asks you what you are, say "I am partly cloudy with a chance of rain." Then proceed to squirt them with the water bottle.
I said this in the last costume thread, but it was the best idea in the whole thread so i guess i will say it again and make it 2 for 2.

Rig up a suit that looks like a cloud, and carry around a squirt bottle. When someone asks you what you are, say "I am partly cloudy with a chance of rain." Then proceed to squirt them with the water bottle.
Then proceed to get your ass kicked at a Halloween party for squirting someone with a water bottle.
I said this in the last costume thread, but it was the best idea in the whole thread so i guess i will say it again and make it 2 for 2.

Rig up a suit that looks like a cloud, and carry around a squirt bottle. When someone asks you what you are, say "I am partly cloudy with a chance of rain." Then proceed to squirt them with the water bottle.

that's pretty dumb

i'm going as the incredibly sexual billy idol.

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I said this in the last costume thread, but it was the best idea in the whole thread so i guess i will say it again and make it 2 for 2.

Rig up a suit that looks like a cloud, and carry around a squirt bottle. When someone asks you what you are, say "I am partly cloudy with a chance of rain." Then proceed to squirt them with the water bottle.

That is the worst costume idea ever.
I'm going to sew a teddy bear's head to my crotch face first with the hands sewed to my legs as though its' giving me head. I'll have another one sewn down at my leg clenching it and smiling.

gross? yes. Grossly hot.
the jealously is thriving in this thread. You all know it was an epic costume idea. All you guys have the same lame ass, done every year, garbage ideas. Think outside the box you "tools".

PS: if you get your ass kicked at a party, you must be small and sorry looking.
the jealously is thriving in this thread. You all know it was an epic costume idea. All you guys have the same lame ass, done every year, garbage ideas. Think outside the box you "tools".

PS: if you get your ass kicked at a party, you must be small and sorry looking.

What if I'm just not a dickhead and don't want to piss off chicks in skimpy outfits who may or may not be drinking enough to make some bad decisions that night?

It might be funny if it was all really really close friends and mainly guys.
how about you use your own shitty ass idea and go squirt some niggers

hopefully they'll be greatly offended and will kill you

there will be much rejoice
haha, Wyrm. Just a fake beard alone would be funny as shit. Everytime you saw someone you'd have a different facial hair style. That'd be hilarious.
I think I'm gonna steal an idea from some costume website I ran across. I'm gonna get a prop stethoscope, and go find a medical supply place that engraves nametags, and get them to make a nametag that says:

Seymour Bush

Then wear my white labcoat that I bought for my college chem labs.
An idea if you are going with your GF, have you and your girl dress up as the twix bars.

edit: twix oops
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