Half-Life Alyx

i just played about 2 hours worth on rift s, and yes, can confirm, it is fucking awesome.
I can't decide if i want to buy the index controllers (knuckles) before playing it on my vive pro or not yet.
i lost respect for valve over the last several years. they focused on making money on steam rather than gaming. maybe this will start to earn some respect back if its as solid as you guys say
there has been speculation that valve contracted chinese wow guilds to develop corona. who is making #1 money from ppl forced to shelter in their homes? perfect opportunity to force vr on the masses, by next year your entire "office" will be vr.
After watching some streamers play it.. i take back what i said. This game looks pretty damn amazing.

I wonder if its as modable as the last two Half Life games.
Valve is swimming in money and Gabe Newell is set for life with his Microsoft money. Projects get started by groups of employees coming to him saying they want to work on this or that. TONS of Valve projects have been started or explored that don't lead to making any money at all, like making a tongue controlled input device ect. I think it all gets started because Gabe just thinks it's cool and is willing to budget for it.

Finding out how things "work" in VR is really uncharted territory. This game was approved and a lot of time was spent on it despite it making no business sense because the number of those with VR hardware is insanely small. It's just because Gabe and the developers think it's cool and want to be the first to make the legit first AAA VR game.

Someone is already working on a mod to make the game non-VR, Valve know it and they don't even care.