[GTW Update] New Inventory System


Veteran X
With the glorious decision by the SS team to move to the Torque engine, the GTW team decided to show another feature of the mod. We have been working on the inventory system to support our massive array of deployables and other toys. The following video shows the new system. In other news, GTW is not moving from the TV engine.

Click here for Movie

Here is a preview pic for all the low bw players:
The pictures for the deployables are temp. We will have our artists make new ones, but thats minor. Each part of the inventory is scrollable using those blue arrows.
Renegades already has something much like this. You can check out the updated preview pack sometime soon.

& Great job on the inventory station. Works great.
KnightMare said:
the invo changes client or server side?

To modify the inventory system, this requires the user to have modified files. This can be done in a mutator, but the client would need to have the server's 'tribesgui.ini' to work properly.
Arcanox said:
Renegades already has something much like this. You can check out the updated preview pack sometime soon.

& Great job on the inventory station. Works great.

Thanx. I simplified the inv since we dont need as many options as the Ren team. Their inv system has alot more features.
NextGenConsoler said:

I miss any?

to be fair, REN is a piece of crap, and tac3 is a niche game. a wonderful niche game that I love. so throw all your SS2845 love on GTW cause we're actually gonna get this thing released. on THIS engine.
Well I think it pretty much goes without saying "This is the gameplay your momma warned you about" So go do your chores.

P.s. gOOse is not an official spokes person and has no P.R. skills what so ever. Duh.