If you're having connection problems talk to Joe or Fred about getting the /warn removed from your account.

We're having a ridiculous amount of pussies logging out to avoid dying or getting arrested, when I see it I jail and /warn them and take their drugs and weapons. Some of the BE guys and especially the fucking Vagos are terrible for doing that shit.

Time to make a script that keeps the character logged in for 5 minutes after they disconnect unless they are in a 'safe' area. Like in UO.
Believe it or not, the Chipset is quite stable at that temp, and remains stable until the low 100's. It's the processor that overheats and causes the game to crash.
Ahhh The GTA SA MP Saga Continues :

rofl , the cops gave me an abuse of using an ad , which is OK and gave me wanted level 1.
At the time i was riding around in a car gettign away from Grove who had 3 cars packed full of guys after me , anyway i was changing cars when they finally trapped me on foot. Just at that time the police show up so i run over to them for them to arrest me for the ad , and wtf not only are grove shooting at me but the cops are aswell... so i ran around for about 2 mins because none of them can aim but it was going to be a losing battle so i just logged.

Why is it grove never get in trouble with the police , and why is it when i never fired a shot and am only getting shot at the police shoot me ? for an AD abuse and wanted level 1 ........

Sigh thats just one of the fucked up things that happened today cbf typing out the rest.
Time to make a script that keeps the character logged in for 5 minutes after they disconnect unless they are in a 'safe' area. Like in UO.

I brought this suggestion up on their forums before, but they say it's not possible. Most of the activity is client side, so there is no way for the server to keep a character in game once the connection is terminated by the client. I still think that it could be done, just not easily.. but then I know nothing about the coding.

That would be one of my top most wanted items if possible.
I assure you: the BE aren't punk ass bitches. We don't condone any of that shit, totally unlike the Grove and their gang wide obsession with ALT-TAB; especially when fist fights just aren't going their way.

Game crashes happen at the most awkward times for me, and I'm sure at least one admin/cop has me pegged as a disconnecting faggot. Totally accidental.

The hitmen usually sneak up on me. I'm almost always unarmed, but they always seem to have trouble with me. I remember once: I beat the shit out of one until he started running away. I chased him for three fucking minutes. His health meter was empty on my screen, but a cop (that had been supervising the entire op) made sure his little buddy made it through, and mowed me down, in the back, with an automatic shotgun.

At one time, around the time Odio tried to convince us the cops were helping, Uncle_Toby was hanging around me. But a cop had shown up moments before Toby did -- I realized what was going down, so I started taunting that fucker, Toby. Toby got pissed and started working over the cop. The cop got rid of Toby, but didn't kill him, and that was the last time I saw that fool that entire day.
people kill me when I tell them i'm a class g security officer and I tell them to wait so I can perform a citizens arrest :(
Why is it grove never get in trouble with the police...

Jon_Do tells all his members not to shoot at cops and goes out of his way to smooth things over when a Grove member pisses off the police. In return the Police generally do not give a shit what Grove does provided they don't hurt civilians or abuse the leniency that we give them. This is why if a cop rolls up and sees BE and Grove fighting they will tend to not give a shit.

I chased him for three fucking minutes. His health meter was empty on my screen, but a cop (that had been supervising the entire op) made sure his little buddy made it through, and mowed me down, in the back, with an automatic shotgun.

At one time, around the time Odio tried to convince us the cops were helping, Uncle_Toby was hanging around me. But a cop had shown up moments before Toby did -- I realized what was going down, so I started taunting that fucker, Toby. Toby got pissed and started working over the cop. The cop got rid of Toby, but didn't kill him, and that was the last time I saw that fool that entire day.

It wouldn't surprise me if a cop was helping a hitman, for either money or because he didn't like the target. If a cop is being corrupt by taking bribes or peddling influence, that's something that has to be handled in game, usually by IA or the FBI. If they are abusing their cop powers to grief you or DM, then they can get the fuck right ouf of the police force.

On an unrelated note what in the fuck is this? :domotwak:
I don't know why we declare peace with Grove. It usually last maybe an hour.

Also, here are a few random pics from the past few days

Mafia raiding our HQ (but we've declared peace since):

Me accidentally flying into a car with a bunch of grove, I think a few died:

A dude with a minigun, looks badass. I think he knows the admins so he's allowed to have it:

Grove lined up outside our HQ:

Cops outside HQ, not sure why they were there:

Lined up to capture DH:
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Fun night tonight. My first real night as leader. (and maybe my last)

So Dario_Diaz, Margot_Diaz and myself (Kasper_Diaz) are driving around doing hits on Grove. Along comes Uncle_Toby and Vitali something or other (2 hitmen). They try to kill Dario, we light them up. Toby dies Vitali either runs or dies.

We continue on our rampage and find Toby again, he logs when we try to kill him. We find him again and cops roll up as we're killing him. They tell us to surrender, we say fuck no and begin a 30min fight to the death involving guns, drugs, a taxi driver and go-carts.

Eventually the cops arrest Margot and myself and come to taunt us in jail. I threaten them and punch them. (Like any inmate would do) and get killed 5 or 6 times. They were nice and made sure to wanted level me each time so it cost money. Dario comes in to /free me and they kill and jail him for trespassing.

So the cops hate us now and start to fuck with BE, like usual. They bust in on our HQ and cuff/detain me for no reason. Some bullshit about being wanted, even though I have no wanted level. I don't want to lose my M4 so, being the Boss, I call the hounds on this fuck. About 15 BEs swarm these cops and all hell begins.

The next 4 hours of the night is wrought with Grove/Cops/Swat attacking our HQ as we kill every motherfucker that stands in our way. We even went and capped a point during this. Basically we tore the server a new asshole for the entire night Every cop was telling us we'd be banned as soon as admins logged on for DMng. I tell them we are RPng gangstas. They started to get really fucking gay with Tazers and Cuffs. Doing it in the middle of gunfights (which isnt allowed). Logging when about to die. A lot of really gay shit. We still held them off and only lost 1 man to jail. Some new guy *shrug*. We destroyed 2 Swat Tanks, killed countless cops and Grove. Got snipers from other gangs to help us kill cops. Parachute dropped on snipers for stealth kills. Some real fun shit.

Eventually it dies down some, but the cops and Grove are still harassing us in small numbers. We re-rally and wipe them out some more. I get calls from cops crying that we are DMng them and that we'll be banned. Cops are trying to snipe us from roofs and shit. Gabriel flies his chopper into their faces and rapes them. The cops tried to flank us while we fought Grove, obviously we had too many scouts and destroyed them.

Eventually the cops call off their attempts and go back to whacking it, or whatever. One of the cops comes and apologizes, sorta. A forgive and forget truce. Lord knows if he will back us up when the banhammer comes swinging.

All in all I spent about 300k. Lost 4 m4s. 2 autoshotties and a mp5.
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After shit died down it was back to business as usual.

"I see you with two tech 9s on my screen."

invisible guns yay

"Hold down the button!" He had full armor and health.



This night was fucking nuts -- cost a lot of money/resources. I was in the hole 2k+ before I got a few paychecks and spent some time in jail. My bank account balance is in the negatives, and I'm actually gaining negative interest. Just today I gained about -$6, directly deposited into my bank account.
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Here's a picture from tonight. The cop was on the roof getting shot by about 7 of us until he jumped off. A few people jumped off to chase and a few stayed on the roof and rained hell.


And here's a picture of earlier in the day when we had fun with a cop.

Oh, that's the tank you keep referring to, confidential? Yeah, man, that was Jonny_Snipergod or something close to that. I watched the whole thing go down, watched as Jonny took that shit out the instant it showed up. That's me and my car in the background. I had literally just pulled up and Jonny put on a show for me.

I thought you meant an actual fucking tank. I keep referring to that as a rubber ducky.