GTA 3 Help


Veteran X
Borrowin a ps2 from a friend and playing through this it rocks. Anyway, on the mission where you gotta get the crooked cop to the airport in 2 mins, what's the other way of getting to shoreside vale other than the bridge?

thanks :]
probably near the hospital where there's some stuff under construction? I went over there figuring they finished the tunnel but i didn't find anything. But i hadda go so i only skimmed the area..(and went on a rampage :eek: )
no idea where this tunnel is??? :(

edit- the bridge isn't even an option. The mission specifically states that you do not use it
drive through the subway tunnels, moron. :rolleyes:

on the third island, the tunnel comes out right by the airport. i forget where you pick him up on the second island, but theres a subway entrance on the north AND south ends of island 2 (one right across the street from the stairs to the hospital entrence, and the other is north of love towers, near an elevated walkway over a street.)

pick him up, drive down the stairs into the subway station, and drive through the tunnel.

you might wanna do a practice run to see which way you have to turn though, otherwise it'll take 3 times as long if you go the wrong way.
Irishknight said:
I'm such a moron for being stuck in a video game, rofl. You don't get out much do you?

no, i dont. but my long sets of gaming-related time didn't have anything to do with beating that mission, seeing as its so obvious it was nearly CHEWING MY FACE OFF WHEN I HEARD THE MISSION OBJECTIVES.

honestly, its not a hard concept.

hrmm. bridge is inaccessable/dangerous. how many other ways are there to get to another island?

1-drive through tunnel.
2-drive on subway tracks.

lets see, if the police are after me, i should... go through the place where there are lots of police cars, lots of traffic, and takes a little while to go through? or go through the nearly trafficless, completely police free, subway tunnels, that go directly there and come out 100 feet from the target point?"

if you were asking about, i dont know, the Driver mission from Vice City, then i'd be like "yeah that mission was hard, heres what i did..." but instead you ask about the most simple mission in the 2nd half of GTA3.
maybe because i never went in the subway before? Never used it like the whole game? Was late at night and i have to return it to a friend tomorrow and i didnt feel like poking around? Jesus Christ...GET OUTSIDE
fuck the subway. use the car tunnel. if i played for 5 mins i could tell you wehre it is, but im used to the vice city map right now. its really not hard to find.its on the edge of the construction area and the campus i think, by the water....
The subway tunnel comes out AT the airport.. Just head from the park towards your home base and keep going straight, entrance is that way