grey config


Veteran XX

gruvles: Hi.
that looks nice and simple, is there a way to zoom in or edit the size of the map hud? also does the green health turn to yellow then red?
that looks nice and simple, is there a way to zoom in or edit the size of the map hud? also does the green health turn to yellow then red?

ya normal minimap, zoom and set size in the options menu

no on the color changes, could be done ez but i like the super simplicity

maybe i'll do it in a really muted light yellow/red (and put a toggle in 2 disable)

no scriptGL so it runs on even my shitty netbook @ 1024x600

check out the sweet 31.56 fps!

redid from scratch, didn't take very long

used a dif font, i like this one better


will upload sometime this week :)
just noticed but it kinda looks like the Midair huds, is that what you were going for?

cant wait for upload

there was definitely a little influence, it started out more standard grey like this


then i watched the midair stream and tried a lighter shade, i probably went even lighter than theirs

now im kinda feeling the blue setting

NOPE NOPE NOPE gonna hoard it like a douche

(sometime this week, gotta clean out junk and test for a bit first)
