Green Day coming to Dubai

"I don't think that this or that is art, therefore it isn't art at all."

There is no way to communicate to the artisan of this idea how galactically stupid it is.
If a person thinks the fucking flag of Japan is art, then it's art. If you think Toby Keith and whatever wrangler wearing gaywad singing in a fake Texan accent you like is art, then it's art.
One person isn't lord of the art. If you don't like a piece of music, then don't listen. But saying because you don't care for it means it's not art, just shows the world that in between your ears is a fucking garden rake.

I don't care for one single painting by Jackson Pollack. That doesn't mean it isn't art.
You fucking brick.
Vanster is an expert in Science, Art, Theology, and pretty much everything else in the world, and maybe everything in the universe.

So you better fucking listen to him.
Art 101
Day 1
Instructor: "Everything is art. I'm talking EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING on this planet, in the universe, in your subconscious, EVERYTHING, it's all art, motherfuckers! Fuck you! Class dismissed, please take your degrees off my desk before you go."
i kno it is cool amongst boombers like u 2 hate the dick and have it mutilated @ birth b/c i was personally dick mutilated by ur boomber jew cult but i digress as u boombers like 2 say
I liked U2 when they first came out. War was their best album imho. after that they went too pop. I liked their militant stuff