Green Day coming to Dubai

Why is Green Day hated so much by a majority of people?​

Ehhh I wouldn’t say the “majority” of people hate Green Day, but a LOT of people do. Here are a few reason why people might take issue with them:

  • Simple chord progressions - many people musically educated will tell you that their songs aren’t intricate enough (specifically guitar) when compared to other bands. When Green Day first made it big, you had bands such as Pearl Jam, smashing pumpkins, sound garden, etc breaking through. When compared to bands like this, Green Day is not on par (from an instrumental perspective).
  • Stealing riffs - what better way to piss people off then copying from other bands. Two examples of this would include Boulevard of Broken Dreams (Wonderwall) and Warning (Ramones song). These are just two examples off of the top of my head.
  • Politics - ahhhh American politics. The most divisive topic in the states. Green Day has a whole album dedicated to ripping on the Bush administration, and they hate Trump. They are extreme libtard degens. If most muslims knew how degen they were, they'd probably cut their heads off on the stage.
Lynyrd Skynyrd was never relevant.

Maybe art is in the eye of the beholder.
Well im not really a skynyrd fan, but im sure in your mind somehow you think im a redneck that listens to Skynyrd regularly. But 50 years later people still cover LS songs and people still pay to see them play.