Greece Capitulates to Deutschland as its starving population beg for more welfare mon


Veteran XX
Greece Capitulates to Deutschland as its starving population beg for more welfare mon

Front Page Article

Greece reached a desperately-needed bailout deal with the eurozone on Monday after marathon overnight talks, in a historic agreement to prevent the country crashing out of the European single currency.

Leftist Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras agreed to tough reforms after 17 hours of gruelling negotiations in return for a three-year bailout worth up to 86 billion euros ($96 billion), Greece's third rescue programme in five years.

"EuroSummit has unanimously reached agreement," EU President Donald Tusk said. "All ready to go for ESM (eurozone bailout fund the European Stability Mechanism) programme for Greece with serious reforms and financial support."

The new rescue for Athens is the country's third since 2010 and came after a bitter six-month struggle following Tsipras's election in January that put Greece's membership of the eurozone in the balance.

Greek banks have been closed for nearly two weeks and there were fears they were about to run dry due to a lack of extra funding by the European Central Bank, meaning Athens would have had to print its own currency and effectively leave the single currency.

"Grexit has gone," European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker told AFP, ruling out the threat of Greece leaving the single currency, which could potentially destablise not only the euro but the world economy.

Tsipras insisted the deal was good for Greece despite the fact that the harsh terms were near identical to those rejected by Greeks in a referendum just one week ago.

"We fought a righteous battle to the end," a smiling Tsipras said as he left the talks, adding that despite the deal's harshness the "great majority of Greek people will support this effort."

Asian markets rose on news of the debt deal, after a torrid few weeks while traders waited for an accord.
Europe has been destroyed by Germany.. Again. For the first time ever it has been written "European country leaving Europe temporarily" in an agreement between EU state members.
mfw the wheels have been greeced (OMGLOL)