--> Gran Turismo 4 Video

-MT-Stealth said:
ps2 only most likely...

fuckers never make good fighting/racing games for PC =(

fuck man i remember Test Drive 3. that game was fucking pimp.

a really fun arcade racing game is Midnight Club 2. i like it. racing with the motorcycle is fucking insane :)
yeah okay, they do make racing games for PC...though nothing like GT4.. But what about fighting?? i would fucking love to see Tekken or SC on PC =/

Looks incredible, especially when considering the PS2s specs. Although that makes me wonder if they rendered the graphics for the game on a PC (ala GT2's intro).
just to mention again, they are using an average of anywhere from 30k-50k pictures to render each track. the man hours spent per car is also astronomically high.

this game deserves a PC version
It depends on how much art they put in.

If it's going to have as many cars as IT SOUNDS LIKE IT MAY, then yes.

All those 3D models take up disc space. All the skins, all the lightmaps, all the TRACKS...

Then you have to account for the music, which will no doubt be stellar.
seeing games like this make me wonder how much longer till we cross that stage where we can't tell the difference between a computer generated image and real life images.

back when the final fantasy movie came out, there were scenes that if i didn't think about it, i swear it was real.
Chimera said:
seeing games like this make me wonder how much longer till we cross that stage where we can't tell the difference between a computer generated image and real life images.

back when the final fantasy movie came out, there were scenes that if i didn't think about it, i swear it was real.
I think we're at that level. We have the hardware and the technology to push the suspension of disbelief into infinity. Graphics tech has grown leaps and bounds over other areas (like AI) in the past 5 years.
i can't get a screencap of it for some reason, but what is the Silver car on the far right at precisely 3:09 into the video. they are showing the real life garage.
Data said:
Then you have to account for the music, which will no doubt be stellar.
They shouldn't waste space with music.

I turned off the shit from GT3 pretty quickly.
At some points it's hard to tell what is real footage and what is CGI. Course, that could be because of the quality of the video.
when i first got GT3, and was watchin the intro, it took me a good 15 seconds to realize it was actually game footage, not just video footage
Wheat-Thin said:
i had heard rumors that they wer THINKING of porting this to the PC also... but like i said. rumors.
extremely doubtful

too bad it's not on xbox though, live would make this game much better.

I know it's going to have multiplayer, but having to buy an adapter and possibly pay for monthly service = no
Wheat-Thin said:
i had heard rumors that they wer THINKING of porting this to the PC also... but like i said. rumors.

They have no real motivation to port to PC. If sony can keep a monopoly on outstanding games, it would only mean more sales of the game system.
Doaln said:
i can't get a screencap of it for some reason, but what is the Silver car on the far right at precisely 3:09 into the video. they are showing the real life garage.
