Goshin spotting

Steve, I always find out that you were in Austin the day after.
Granted you were with a ladyfriend this time but hit me up sometime.

Yeah, it was totally last minute man. I was hanging with her last weekend and she mentioned she was going to see neon indian Friday. I txt her saying something like, "have fun, I'm jealous", and she invited me because her sis got lazy and didn't want to go. Like 6:30, Com Truise went on at 9.

I'm gonna be up there next weekend (1st/2ndish or maybe the 7th/8th -- maybe both) but I don't know if I'm driving, or my friend is, so I'll be at the mercy of what they do unless I take my car. I'll letchu know.

If I do take my car, I'll hit you up and maybe we can even get Goshin-san in on it.
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ill pay for ur plane ticket pm me im trying to get me u and obibun together i think obibun is all talk, guarantee his moms chase freedom maxes out before night ends

but we shall see
im hesitant only because your reputation precedes you and, although money ma$e state's im un-nextable, i dont feel like dealing with any shit

i can come play after mid november (black out dates at work)