GOP just walked out of the House of Representatives

Iron Chef

Veteran X protest of the Contempt of Congress bill to enforce the subpoenas against Harriet Miers and Josh Bolton.

Smooth and mature.
who even knows wtf youre talking about?

Apparently somebody does. Try watching a little less American Idol and maybe you'll get a whiff of something that might actually have some implications in your life.

Unless you are actually on American Idol, in which case it might have implications on your life, especially if you get sent home in shame and flames.
are you saying you watch c-span

Ordinarily no, but I read about this as it was happening and flipped on C-Span to watch the petulant march out the door.

I missed it, and didn't care to watch live vote tabulation...

EDIT- ARGH background freakout!<3
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Now they're holding a press conference on the steps of the Capitol about why they are whiny little bitches.

:lol: This is priceless.
Not surprising in the least. Now if you did that at your job you wouldn't have one to come back to.
I thought this was a TseTse thread.

I thought I'd beat him to the punch for once. I expect him soon, along with several paragraphs as to why this is important, along with the word "fuckin" a few times. (J/K, Tse - I love most of your stuff - at least you educate youself on the topics rather than just spout from the gut)

I also expect Triple to pop in and tell us why this was a good idea and the right thing to do.
