Ghostbusters 3

Retarded gorilla acting like a retarded gorilla.
Nevermind that Girl Ghostbusters was a box office flop and a PR nightmare.

Leslie Jones is just pissed she will not be getting a paycheck this time around.

What's that Ms Jones? <TRUMP> You're Fired!

I hope your "Angry Birds The Movie 2" contract included provisions for royalties and merchandising...
its even less complicated than all this. Girlbusters rejected the canon and set out to reboot the franchise without acknowledging the originals. It was a creative decision and they made it.

Now they are mad that another film that wants to continue the originals doesn’t include them? sorry not sorry.
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She literally spelled out why. If it does better, which she thinks it will, it will prove misogynists correct and little girls won't get to be Ghostbusters. Which means she's a true believer and doesn't think she was a stunt cast.
She literally spelled out why. If it does better, which she thinks it will, it will prove misogynists correct and little girls won't get to be Ghostbusters. Which means she's a true believer and doesn't think she was a stunt cast.


"din't count"

it's like as if she din't do nuffin :cool: :dapimp: :flag: :donnie:
A better response would be "I'm disappointed in the direction they appear to be choosing to go, but I understand that Hollywood is first and foremost a business. If they'd like to include me in any capacity, I'd be on board."

o wow fool is pro-sellout

wat would ratm have 2 say about that?

I hope this misogynist movie blows out box office records for the week it's released.
I got a Stranger Things vibe.

Seeing Ecto-1 power drifting around corners was cartoonish... but if that's my only complaint, I'd say this trailer leaves me cautiously optimistic.
I'll give them credit, the trailer didn't suggest anything too outlandish or over the top. Maybe the Ecto-1 "door gunner" ... but overall it conveyed a grounded narrative. Or, as grounded as one gets with a story about busting ghosts.

Especially when compared to the train wreck of the last film.

Who knows what the movie actually is, or at what point it will come off the rails and devolve into the usual Hollywood drivel. The original 1984 Ghostbusters was an action comedy. This trailer lacked any serious hint of that, instead appearing more serious without the camp and slapstick.

Even though we're dealing with a young protagonist as lead cast led by an adult, which totally reminds me of Stranger Things, probably helped by casting Finn Wolfhard.

Dan Aykroyd has been toying with story treatments for Ghostbuster films in which the Ghostbusters end up in another dimension to fight paranormal evils... this was the original idea for Ghostbusters 2, and Aykroyd wrote an outline for GB3 that had the original cast in a mirror-dimension called ManHellton. These ideas ended up on the cutting room floor and were not used.

This version is titled "Afterlife" maybe in reference to resurrecting the franchise, but also (maybe) because they end up on the other side of a portal, in the afterlife. Very "the upside-down" from Stranger Things.

Murry, Ankroyd, Hudson, Weaver and even Potts are supposedly cast in it... probably a cameo, maybe a little more than a cameo (fingers crossed).

I doubt they'll "reanimate" Ramis with CGI as a ghost... though he might appear in flashbacks using original film. I don't think it would respectful to do otherwise.
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