Getting back into the game


Veteran X
Ive been gone for over 7 months and im looking to get back into the game. Before I left priests were slated to be reviewed with the next patch. How did that turn out? I need some ideas about which class and server I should play.
shepherd said:
Ive been gone for over 7 months and im looking to get back into the game. Before I left priests were slated to be reviewed with the next patch. How did that turn out? I need some ideas about which class and server I should play.
I'm no priest pro, but i think they faired very well with that priest review. Now you can actually do some damage without shadowform, if i'm not mistaken.

And come play on Lethon, alliance. A few of us started here on both horde and alliance a bit a go.
Slobax said:
I'm no priest pro, but i think they faired very well with that priest review. Now you can actually do some damage without shadowform, if i'm not mistaken.

And come play on Lethon, alliance. A few of us started here on both horde and alliance a bit a go.
What class do you need im open to play anything
shepherd said:
paladin is the only class i havent played with endgame so I think I might want to try that out

endgame paladins are the same as priests but no dps option until you get a 75+ dps 2hander. If you're the lucky paladin and your guild uses a kite strat you also get to kite orcs on razor and goblins on lab packs. other than that it's heal heal heal cleanse cleanse cleanse buff buff buff DI if there is going to be a wipe.
shepherd said:
What class do you need im open to play anything
Play what you think you would like. We aren't at end game (so not in a end game guild per se, yet), but even then, i have always been firmly against the idea of playing something because it is needed.

Play what you think is fun :)

Hit one of us up. I'm Alderaan on Lethon Alliance. RL friend David (who goes as Masterd86 here) is Maloney, and another fellow TW'er is Jaku on there. If it's your first alliance, i'd be more than willing to help you out.
yea i was aware of the role of paladins endgame but its the only class i havent touched. ill prob end up rolling a mage or a warrior though
Think I might hit up Lethon (on Jaedenar now, but so lonely :() when the servers come up. Newbelf priest, here I come!
Ciceron said:
Think I might hit up Lethon (on Jaedenar now, but so lonely :() when the servers come up. Newbelf priest, here I come!
do it!

We're loving it here, would be great to have more people to level up with and chit chat with.

I'm Alderaan in game. Tekno is Jaku in game.
Hunters are pretty cool endgame. Lots of DPS because with feign you can hit pretty hard and not worry too much about threat. Just hope you don't get resisted a couple times in a row. You get to kite some in BWL on a few dragon pack pulls. Those are neat. Our hunters have fun trying to speed pull and tag stuff off one another on chain pulls. Our healers like too see how many hits our hunters can take before they die because the MT "waits" for the right moment to grab agro. :reaper:
buize said:
what is playing a hunter like endgame?

just curious i have a lvl 60 but i've never done any raids. i've only done ubrs a couple times and live strat once

i got to kite general drakk once :D

autoshoot and watch TV.

Unless it's a tranq fight, then you autoshoot + tranq when it's your turn in a rotation :p
Ciceron said:
Think I might hit up Lethon (on Jaedenar now, but so lonely :() when the servers come up. Newbelf priest, here I come!
Why, in god's name, would anyone *ever* roll a non-dwarf priest on Alliance.

Desperate Prayer and Fear Ward, or Suckshards and Elune's Farce.
shepherd said:
Ive been gone for over 7 months and im looking to get back into the game. Before I left priests were slated to be reviewed with the next patch. How did that turn out? I need some ideas about which class and server I should play.

Priest review fared well, the recent mage review is still up in the air. Some people are still undecided about that. There's a rogue review pending 1.12. Cross-realm BGs are coming 1.12 as well as some kind of "World PvP" stuff added to Silithus and EPL/WPL. Also they have implemented paid transfers, so if you don't want to be on your realm you can pay $25 to have your character transferred elsewhere. Read the notes on that, there are a couple of restrictions. Biggest one being you can only take 1,000g with you.

More than a few new raid dungeons came out since last you were on. Added Scourge Invasion, which may or may not be done on your server. Added more bosses and loot to Scholo/Strath, tier-3 raid gear, 0.5-tier gear via quest, etc.

Better catch up at the WoW forums, there's a lot that's been done past 7 months.
PessimiStick said:
Why, in god's name, would anyone *ever* roll a non-dwarf priest on Alliance.

Desperate Prayer and Fear Ward, or Suckshards and Elune's Farce.
because dwarves are fat ugly old dudes who look like they have crusty ass cracks?

Nah i like how dwarf wars look.But the game isn't about 2 spells. I know i could never make myself play a dwarf over any other of the alliance race priests.

And good to have you Cic and Sheppard, we'll run you all throuhg VC when you both get high enough.
Slobax said:
because dwarves are fat ugly old dudes who look like they have crusty ass cracks?

Nah i like how dwarf wars look.But the game isn't about 2 spells. I know i could never make myself play a dwarf over any other of the alliance race priests.

And good to have you Cic and Sheppard, we'll run you all throuhg VC when you both get high enough.
If you are in *any* way serious about the game, there is literally zero reason to roll anything other than a dorf, ugly or not. DP (har har) is handy from time to time, and Fear Ward is just retardedly useful (whereas most priest racials flat-out suck).
PessimiStick said:
Why, in god's name, would anyone *ever* roll a non-dwarf priest on Alliance.

Desperate Prayer and Fear Ward, or Suckshards and Elune's Farce.

Maybe because I can't stand dwarves? :shrug:

And since I solo mainly and group up only when needed, Starshards is quite useful (Elune's Grace is pointless, I agree, but so is Desperate Prayer, since it just delay's the inevitable). Fear Ward wouldn't get any use from me.

[edit] I have not, nor will I ever, play this game seriously. I already have a job.
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playing a dwarf priest because of those reasons is like playing the class your guild tells you to or guild "needs"

That's against the whole reason to play a game. Play what you want, and play what you like, not what other people like.

That said, i love to group with dwarf priests :)

edit: and fuck bliz, server is down again. Bet it wil be 12 hours again like yesterday :(