Germany selling weapons to Iraq in the past


Veteran X
Somebody here posted some info on Germany selling the stuff to make chemical weapons to Iraq, it had some quotes from the leader of the conservative party in germany and his allegations about this. I've searched everywhere for that here and I can't find it, could someone link me to either the thread or the source?
Hydrogen said:
the US sold weapons to Iraq too.

as well as afghanistan.

Don't know what sort exactly


At that time, Iraq and Afghanistan were not our enemies or allies enemies. This time, Germany is sellibg weapons to a known enemy
the USA sold Iraq weapons knowing full well they would be used against Iran...

the USA also sold anthrax and smallpx etc to Iraq when Rumsfield was first in office
{A}Fear_ said:
the USA sold Iraq weapons knowing full well they would be used against Iran...

the USA also sold anthrax and smallpx etc to Iraq when Rumsfield was first in office

Uhh Iran was enemy.... and show proof we gave anthrax and smallpox kthx