George Carlin on Gas prices, and Immigration

mexicans save gas by carpooling


Thats the Mexican Version of a Humvee mounted with 50 rifles.
4+ months OFN and utterly false. Think about George Carlin. Does that sound like the kind of thing he would say? Especially given that I don't see a single swear word or reference to a bodily function in that supposed quote. Way to be a gullible idiot.

Jesus, I didn't call it a news flash or anything. Just something funny to give you a chuckle. Sorry for trying to make 10 seconds of you life more enjoyable. I guess I should plot my "uber post" that isn't OFN and pray for 10 pages of replies so I can make it into the HoF?
Conservatives only send these false quotes around because they know their own people are stupid enough to believe it.
Unless the deportation was similar to the Trail of Tears, it would seem deporting 11 million people would require copious amounts of gas.