Gamestop has Wiis

Boss went to Walmart Wednesday morning. They had 30, he was 33 in line and missed out. Walmart was organized, gave out tickets (one per family), and got it right this time.
Walmart said they expect to get more in, but don't know when.
Waited at Wal-Mart last night from 11:45 to 8 AM this morning. Wasn't bad at all. They were only getting 9, I was number 5. We all got to go and sit in the Subway they have at the back of the store and waited there. Boring, but better than sitting out in the middle of the aisles and such. I got my Wii finally. Yay me!

I could have also scored a PS3. I was playing the PS3 they have set up and a manager came up to me and said, "Lookin' for a PS3?" I was like..well yeah eventually. He tells me has 1 in the back, 20GB version. I was the only one he had told at that point. I eventually declined. Its still more than I'm looking to spend, and I'd rather get the 60GB version. But I could have scored a PS3 this morning, so for any others that might be looking for one, I'd ask them. May have them stashed in the back.
Its still more than I'm looking to spend, and I'd rather get the 60GB version. But I could have scored a PS3 this morning, so for any others that might be looking for one, I'd ask them. May have them stashed in the back.

I'd say grab the 20gig, unless you really want wifi. You can always upgrade the harddrive yourself.