Galaxy Nexus on Verizon Launches Tomorrow for $299

I'm just be listening to my beats walking through inception like scapes..

Actually, I have to admit after using the Rezound for a bit, pentile screens are tough to swallow
I've noticed if you use voice to text it censors! I have failed to figure out a way to change that.
voice settings should have the option to turn off the filter. Atleast it does in cyanogen roms.
I have the original Droid and everyday it gets a little shittier, definitely looking forward to a phone that can run all the 10 cent apps I've been buying.

I had a Bionic for a few days but returned it.

same here. wtf is with that. every day i wake up and the phone is shittier than when i went to bed.
I have a nexus one and i just played with the GN in stores for a little...

but what bothers me is the fact that they've done away with a hard (well not soft) dedicated menu button. Virtually all apps are going to have a 1 layered menu... and I know 4.0 is designed to push those hidden features forward but its not quite there yet. Now that the menu button is not standardized it lives inside apps at totally random locations which you now need to learn, whereas before it was always in the same spot...

Also, the general build quality of samsung and their plastics...
Scary reviews from twarriors
This is gonna be my first Android phone so the lack of menu button isn't going to be an issue.
Here's the quick and dirty so far:

Things I like:

- The UI
- Responsive touchscreen
- Touchscreen size
- Call quality/reliability (seems better than my droid 1 so far)

Things I dislike:
- long hold menu changes
- changes with the android home buttons
- the shitty, shitty default ringtones (my biggest gripe so far, and it's a pretty trivial thing)
- the fucking wait I had to deal with waiting for this phone

Things I am thus far indifferent about:

- face unlock
- build quality of the phone
- the camera

Verdict so far:

This is like the end of a marathon masturbation session. As the fapping progresses, the porn brcomes weirder and weirder. When, finally, you climax, you're left with a hollow sense of existential emptiness and grow increasingly distraught once you review the porn that led to that point. Then you go back and do the same shit the next day anyway, because porn is awesome.
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Anyone else notice that it seems a bit sluggish going from home screen to contacts and back? Perhaps its the syncmypix app that may have slowed it down every so slightly? It doesn't seem drastically slow, it just seems less responsive than say switching from messaging to home.
signed up w/google wallet on my nexus to get the 10$ free. gonna go pump 10$ of free gas.

battery life is weak on this shit. but theres a wifi bug (was?) and lte is on, hoping w/o these 2 i can get solid battery life out.

it needs a smart lte witch to manually turn lte on/off w/o going into settings like you do now.
Has anyone experienced this?

So I have Wifi on, and am in a hotspot using the wifi. When I go out of range of that hot spot, my phone just will not get back on to 3g/4g without me interfering somehow. I need to turn off wifi, shut down all apps using the internet, and sometimes toggle air plane mode on/off. It's a pretty big pain in the ass.