[Gainesville, FL] Need Programmers

been in touch with numerous professors and have an internship program setup. Unfortunately, interns are only a temporary solution. We are working on bringing all of our programming in-house (as opposed to off-shored to India), and I'm sure as we get closer to graduation time we will see more applicants from UF hitting the job market.

uh companies normally hire seniors 4-8 months before graduation

looks like your staffing department is run by fucktards
looks like your staffing department is run by fucktards

I can confirm this, which is why I am doing whatever I can think of within my power to get some more resumes in the Inbox, our HR department is pretty lame when it comes to helping us get job listings posted, and the take forever.
been in touch with numerous professors and have an internship program setup. Unfortunately, interns are only a temporary solution. We are working on bringing all of our programming in-house (as opposed to off-shored to India), and I'm sure as we get closer to graduation time we will see more applicants from UF hitting the job market.

Right on, TW brother. Jesus christ I can't believe we fucked ourselves so hard in the ass by shipping shit to fucking India. I don't think people really comprehend the dent that has been put into our tech sector by this practice.

There is a bit of a gaping hole in the number of new programmers in the states. There is also a decline in existing experienced programmers due to the fact that they have changed career fields or started their own business due to getting fucked up the asshole.

Had it been my choice I would have stayed far away from India in the first place. The firm we dealt with doesn't understand American business, was completely unable to understand what we were trying to do and it turned into a waste of $500k, SWEET.

The rule moving forward -- don't outsource.
Let's see- first we fuck our farmers and manufacturers because we are "evolving" into a country that is more technical. Then, we outsource our technical needs. All that's left to do is outsource our lawyers and politicians and we should be good.
I can confirm this, which is why I am doing whatever I can think of within my power to get some more resumes in the Inbox, our HR department is pretty lame when it comes to helping us get job listings posted, and the take forever.

oh i was wrong... its a "i want referal bonuses" post :p:
There is a bit of a gaping hole in the number of new programmers in the states. There is also a decline in existing experienced programmers due to the fact that they have changed career fields or started their own business due to getting fucked up the asshole.
That's correct, not to mention the cube farm world.

Tell me OP, what is the work environment like? 6x6 cubes next to customer service girls who talk all day? Just answer the question. That's why people are saying fuck IT, because of this.
Cube Farm Fired Unidata Universe Pick Programmer Analyst

I know someone who lives in Salt Springs who can do what you're asking. But he can't drive that far every day to work in a cube with people looking over his shoulder all the time for $11 / hr.
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There is a bit of a gaping hole in the number of new programmers in the states. There is also a decline in existing experienced programmers due to the fact that they have changed career fields or started their own business due to getting fucked up the asshole.

experienced programmers dont change careers because theyve always been in demand... its the shitty ones that do.

and the main reason we have lack good engineers is the cs education system is in decline. there are also more restrictions on immigrant visas to america (thanks bush). the motivation to immigrate is also lost due to the increased quality of life in the country of origin (european and asian) and the falling appeal of this country (thanks again bush).
I know someone who lives in Salt Springs who can do what you're asking. But he can't drive that far every day to work in a cube with people looking over his shoulder all the time for $11 / hr.

thats how much in and out burger pays :p: