
Veteran XX
Now with freaky glowing eyes.




Furby returns, iOS app and all: Hands on with the 2012 version | Crave - CNET
I remember when I was kid I had liek all collections of furbies. Some of them were from mcdonalds LOL
Hmmm need to gauge if these things are going to be the thing this year for Christmas and buy up all the stock
My kids had them. Noisy little fuckers. Recently cleaned out our attic and moved a box that was up there with one in it and it started its talking. Couldn't believe after years of being up there the thing was still working and yhat the batteries were still good.
hehe, back in the good ol' days when I was learning to be computer smart, we reprogrammed it a bit and changed voice output to sound like darth vader, the fucker would follow what ever motion it could pick up and start saying random things.

Fun times, I want to do a chucky one with these things.
My sisters had those things. They'd always devolve into making fart noises and giggling after about 5 minutes of babbling. One of them popped up the other day when we were visiting my parents. My son was pretty non-plussed.
They don't make them like they used to. I can't remember why. Some kid probably died trying to eat the damn thing.

This is the second time that furbies have made a come back, as a note. Mother fuckers need to bring back skip-it so fat kids like me can skip their ass into shape instead of making worthless toys that will end up in a dumpster after 3 months.
itt malibru reveals her desire to eat a robot stuffed animal

the pig does not discriminate just wants 2 eat

and then she blames kids toys for keeping her fat

dumb fat slob