funny video of a wasted jaime kennedy bombing at e3

if you're getting paid to go on stage and be funny, and u do a bunch of drugs, go on stage, and the audience is funnier than you are, i think u deserve to get ragged on
no he* just didn't deserve the money

i can't make fun of someone who can't perform because he drank/smoke too much

it's late im tired
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its pretty clear he didn't want to be there, i mean he use to have his own TV show and major hollywood production. stars do alot worse when their careers crash ( see John stamos)
jamie kennedy would probably cut off his own dick to be on ER right now

so i don't know if those careers are comparable
I don't know, the whole "You'll get the joke later" thing he did after almost every joke completely downplays the intelligence of the audience. They weren't hard jokes to "get" they were just dumb jokes, then he does the whole virgin thing, makes sense to me why he got ragged on.

and? you think he's going to lose his job? :lol:

paula abdul was drunk/stoned/on pills right before the last season of american idol and now she has her own reality show. danny devito was drunk on the view and now he has his own line of Limoncillo.

being fucked up on TV is apparently not a career-killer like calling someone a jew or a nigger, apparently
its pretty easy to compare. celebs that were once in top tier level prodcutions making big bucks get reduced to going on shit shows with 1/10 the money/popularity.

is american idol not the most popular television show of all time, ratings-wise?

ER doesn't exactly pull in chump change, either.

basically his live journal where he emos out to the world and talks aboutr how much he hates his career decisions. he also keeps a blog on most of the movies hes been in. its mildly entertaining.
^evidence supporting my view of things.

I'm almost positive John Stamos' career is over after that stunt, and have u ever seen Paula abdul's reality show? (its one of my guilty pleasures) First of all they agreed to it way before her drinking debacle (mainly for more press for american idol) and her drinking/pills debacle is mid-season and a highlight of all the trailers. they repeatedly show the episode about it, and teh follow up episodes where she has to deal with the backlash. in the followup episodes they paint her as even more crazy (she cant even do an interview, has to restart like 3 times, then in the last try she starts repeating 2 words over and over like someone thats terminally ill), and a recurring theme in most episodes is how big of a high-maintenance lunatic she is. on one show they spent 10 min on her going berzerk at her assistant cause they didnt pack sweat pants. the show totally attacks her image and def. is not good publicity. u really think after her reality show her career is going to skyrocket ? wtf could possibly come next that is a step up. (That is saying something)

and wow danny devito was drunk on the viwe nad now sells booze, completely irrelevant to the point that the downfall of hollywood careers can be incredibly nasty, and that this jaime kennedy fuck up at an incredbily small E3 doesn't rank all that high.
People expect DeVito to be drunk, and besides that his level of celebrity is light years above Kennedy, Stamos, and Abdul. Maybe if DeVito had shown up on crystal meth or crack, it would have been different.
harvee, your original point was that it's ok for comedians to be drunk and high on stage, they do it all the time, and it's not a big deal. (you're right, it's not a big deal, unless they can't do their job because of it, which is the case in this video).

then you suggested that 'stars' only act like this after their careers crash (even though stamos and abdul were and currently are part of big-budget network shows).

and now you're saying that stamos and abdul killed their careers with their actions while high.

do you have any other points you'd like to abandon immediately after you attempt to make them?
What makes you guys think that comedians/stars are only wasted in public view when their careers are in a down turn?

Most of teh best comedic/music performances ever done were while the performer was drunk/high as fuck.

See - Dave Chappelle, Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor, Joe Rogan, George Carlin, etc
that's my point, speck

good comedians fucked up on stage are still good comedians

jamie kennedy is just an unfunny hack faggot