Fucking Stoned....

last time i smoked weed was just a reminder why i quit..
I hate when i kinda just zone out.. and completely forget that i even exsist.. and then when im starting to snap back into it i feel all fucking spooked out n shit.. weed fucks with my head pretty bad.
Pot isn't cool because companies drug test, and it can go back 2 years. They take a small hair sample so there is no way to cheat.
if acid is much like Mushrooms, it's definately not something i'd want to do on even a weekly basis.. :eek:

More like monthly.. :eek:

once a month, maybe.. at most :eek:

pot doesn't mess wif my head or anything at all... but i have epiphanys and shit when i'm on mushroom...

the comedown is like a ball of thought.. a sense of enlightenment and utter understanding..