fuck you snow


Veteran X
So i was planning to take SAT's this saturday so i go to bed early on friday and miss going out with my friends. I get up real early at around 6:50am so i have time to shower, eat, and scrape the ice off my car. I take about 30 minutes going to my high school at 5 miles below the speed limit because the fucking plows decided it would be cool to stay home and not clear the roads. So I finally get to school and find out they cancelled the fucking test. This winter is really pissing the hell out of me, its April and it is still 30 degrees and snowing.
rofl fucked over, i on the other hand had mid term exam or some shit and didnt study at all, and hanged out with some chick all fucking that night and shit and then i find out i should have studied so i was like oh fuck it and then i wake up waiting to bomb it and its fucking an ice storm out side, and you no what fuck this story im going to go wack off